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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6
Autoren: Various
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drive to the hospital was hectic, leaving him shattered by the time he pulled into the parking lot near the ER. He hopped out of his car, racing to the building, dodging vehicles, frantic with worry about Ryan all the while. Surprisingly, the ER waiting room was mostly empty and he was quickly ushered back to the curtained off area where Ryan lay unconscious.
    Every fear he'd ever had welled up inside. If anything happened to Ryan he couldn't go on. Frozen with anxiety, he stood off to the side, unsure what the hell he could do but wanting to do something.
    The curtain pulled open behind him, he turned to see a woman in blue scrubs. She smiled at him and grabbed a chart off Ryan's bed.
    "Okay, so I assume you know the patient. I'm Dr. Wilson."
    Ryan nodded at the doctor and grimaced. "I'm Jesse Carson and this is Ryan Miller. He's twenty-eight."
    "Good, does he have a history of diabetes?"
    "What? No." Jesse turned back towards Ryan, his heart squeezed and bile rose in his throat.
    "Does he have any preexisting conditions?" Doctor Wilson asked.
    "No, he's healthy. Flu last year, but healthy."
    "Are you family?"
    Jesse fingered the rings in his pocket. "He's my fiancé."
    The doctor smiled and glanced down at the clipboard. "Normally we only discuss medical information with family. When is the wedding?"
    "Three weeks. We're going to Hawaii afterwards."
    "Nice, honeymoon in Hawaii. So, diabetes is very much manageable. Once he's awake, we'll talk to him."
    "Is he going to be okay?"
    The doctor stepped close to Ryan, checked the monitors and smiled up at Jesse. "He's not in a coma, which is good."
    "A coma?"
    "Untreated, diabetes can result in some rather nasty complications. He's lucky you were with him and found him. You probably woke when he passed out."
    "God, I feel so bad."
    "You didn't know."
    Jesse closed his eyes, thinking about how he reacted when he came home and found dinner not done. How he'd pushed Ryan up against the table, pounding in to him, anger mixing with lust. Fuck, he was a jerk.
    "Mr. Carson, you didn't know but now you do."
    Jesse stared at Ryan, vowing to never let him go. When he woke up, Jesse would ask him. They weren't going to wait any longer. No putting off their relationship. He and Ryan were a couple and they would be together.
    The night turned to day and Jesse called his office, telling them he wouldn't be in. He dialed Ryan's work and told them he was in the hospital and would need a few days off. A little after eight, Ryan's eyes fluttered open. Confusion screwed up his face, then relief when he spied Jesse. The emotions inside bubbled out and Jesse felt as though his heart would burst. He grabbed onto Ryan's hand and held tight, fighting the tears that would turn to sobs if he didn't control them.
    "Ryan," Jesse choked on the word and fought for composure.
    "What happened?" Ryan croaked.
    "Let me get you some water."
    Jesse's hands shook as he poured the water, his mind on popping the question. Ryan would say yes, but still, he was so freaking nervous. Could he be the husband Ryan deserved? He handed the cup to Ryan, helping him steady the glass as he took a sip. The curtain pushed back and Dr. Wilson entered.
    "Ah, good to see you awake and before I left for the day. Ryan, I'm Dr. Wilson. How are you feeling?"
    "Strange, what happened?"
    "You passed out. Luckily, we drew some blood when you first got here and did a work up."
    "And?" Ryan asked.
    "Is there a history of diabetes in your family?"
    "I'm not sure. My dad took off before I was born."
    "It's okay, we don't need a complete family history."
    Ryan glanced at Jesse and back to the doctor, his brows knit together. "Why are you asking me about diabetes?"
    Jesse held onto Ryan's hand as the doctor explained everything. There were tears, lots of them. Ryan clung to him, squeezing his hand tighter and tighter as the doctor talked. When the doctor left, Ryan looked totally crushed. Jesse crawled up on the bed with Ryan, wrapping his arms around him.
    "I'm sorry I was angry with you earlier. I didn't realize."
    Ryan picked at a thread on the blanket covering him. The IV line was a painful reminder of what could have happened had Jesse not found Ryan– hell, he didn't want to think about that outcome.
    "Jesse, it's okay. I'm not upset. I love you."
    Jesse blew out a huge breath and touched his pocket making sure both rings were still there. "Babe, speaking of love. I had to grab clothes for you."
    Ryan's brows pinched together.
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