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Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals

Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals

Titel: Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals
Autoren: K.D. Mason
Vom Netzwerk:
I was driving into Portsmouth. I was at the lights by the Rusty Nail heading to Market Square. It was parked right in front of the Nail. It wasn’t the car that caught my attention; it was the driver. His face. He just looked evil, not like a pervert, more like a predator. He looked like a hawk that had just spied dinner. His eyes were close-set, cold, and piercing, and his nose was prominent, not clown funny large, more evil looking, and his hair, really short. He was staring in my direction, not at me, but near me, and I don’t think he saw me staring at him because he was so intent on something else. I turned to see who or what he was staring at and didn’t see anything. Then, the light changed and I had to go. As I drove through the intersection toward him, he saw me looking at him and quickly turned away. That’s when I actually looked at the car, just in case.”
    “Court. I’m sure there is nothing to worry about. I think that it’s all just your imagination,” said Jack. He was trying not to sound patronizing.
    Clearly it wasn’t working. Court’s look said, “You bastard, when he chops me up into little pieces, you’ll be sorry. You’ll see.”
    Before Jack could say anything else, a voice behind them broke the silence. “What a beautiful day. What are the two of you talking about?”
    Both Jack and Courtney jumped a little. Their conversation had been so intense that they hadn’t heard Max coming up from behind. Trying to not sound guilty, they both spoke at once, which only made it more obvious that they were up to something. “Oh nothing,” they replied in two-part harmony.
    “I don’t believe you. What’s up?”
    “Really Max, nothing is up. We were just talking about what a beautiful day it is,” said Courtney.
    Jack nodded in agreement. He stretched his arms out and inhaled until he couldn’t inhale any more. Then he exhaled with a sigh. “I love the smell of spring air.”
    “Yes, it is beautiful,” agreed Max, but she still looked suspicious. “So what’s everybody doing today? I’m not working until tonight.”
    Courtney looked at Jack and then at Max. Jack looked at Courtney and then at Max, and Max looked back and forth between them. Nobody said anything. It appeared that Jack had successfully changed the subject, and now no one knew what to say next. Max looked at Jack and her face lit up. “I know. Let’s go on a picnic, the three of us. It’ll be fun.”
    It wasn’t what Jack really had in mind. He would rather work on his boat and maybe go for a run later in the day.
    Courtney didn’t have any set plans other than to spend some time over at Ben’s.
    While they both hesitated, thinking about their options, Max took the bull by the horns and announced, “Great, then it’s settled. We’re going on a picnic. I’ll get the food. Courtney, can you get the drinks? And Jack …” she paused, thinking about his task. “Jack, you be here ready to go at eleven.”
    Neither Courtney nor Jack had been allowed time to agree or disagree. As Max headed back to Jack’s apartment, he and Courtney just looked at each other and shrugged. Then, at the same time, they said, “I guess we’re going on a picnic.”
    Courtney turned and walked off. Jack grinned, thinking to himself, “How does Max do that?” Cat hadn’t moved through all of the commotion, being more intent on taking her sunbath. Then, he headed inside. At the foot of the steps, he could hear the shower running. His grin became a smile. “There’s plenty of time,” he thought as he took the stairs two at a time, pulling off his shirt.

    JACK LAY ON HIS COUCH , basking in the warmth of the sun shining through the window onto his face. A gentle breeze blew through the open window and caressed him like an unseen hand. Satisfied and content, his eyes closed and he nodded off. Almost instantly, images began floating through his mind.
    He could feel Max’s warm, wet, slippery skin as he joined her in the shower. Her response to his presence was instant and welcoming. Her back was to him when he entered the shower and wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing her neck. She leaned back into him, holding onto his arms as if pulling a blanket tightly around her, while the hot water cascaded over their bodies. Then, she turned and her arms wrapped around him and he pulled her close. They kissed. Slowly … Softly … Deeply. Then they pulled apart and silently, gently began a wordless conversation,
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