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In the Midst of Life

In the Midst of Life

Titel: In the Midst of Life
Autoren: Jennifer Worth
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involuntary reflexes. He took blood for crossmatching, set up a glucose/saline drip, and put the gastric suction machine in readiness, but he did not insert the gastric tube. He examined the abdomen, which was hard and distended, and applied his stethoscope to listen for abdominal sounds. ‘Hmmm,’ he said, looking very wise, ‘I will call the registrar.’ With that, he left.
    I was told to give the old lady a blanket bath, and to put a surgical gown on her. She was so thin, I thought she might breakif I moved her. She could scarcely have weighed more than seven stone. Her distended abdomen, hard and shiny, contrasted strangely with the rest of her. I wondered what kind of life she had had back in Latvia.
    The registrar came, accompanied by the houseman. The registrar was only about thirty, perhaps less, but five years’ experience in medicine can make a great deal of difference. There was no careful hesitation in
He was quick, confident, and arrogant. He tapped the abdomen and listened.
    ‘What do you make of it?’ he demanded of his junior.
    ‘Well, em, I, er, could hear abdominal sounds.’
    ‘And what did you make of them?’
    ‘Well, I found, er …’
    ‘Can’t hear a damned thing that means anything. We’ll have to open it up to see what’s going on. Go and book theatre. Laparotomy, with exploration. Possible gastrectomy, resection, won’t know till we get in there. I’ll go and talk to Carter. See if he wants to do it, or if I should.’ They left.
    Mr Carter, the consultant, arrived with an anaesthetist. He examined Mrs Ratski and read the notes. The anaesthetist was concerned about the patient’s emaciation and her state of shock. He ordered a gastric tube to be passed and suction to be commenced immediately. He commented that she would not need a pre-med, because she had had morphine. He said, ‘We must have a consent form, and she can’t sign it. Is there anyone here who can?’
    ‘Her son is with her,’ replied the staff nurse.
    ‘Get him to sign, will you, Staff?’
    The two consultants left, and Staff took a consent form to Slavek. ‘Your mother must go to theatre for an abdominal exploration. Would you sign the consent form for her, please.’
    ‘Of course,’ said Slavek, and signed.
    There had been no discussion with Slavek about his mother’s condition; no mention of what an exploratory laparotomy means, still less of what a gastrectomy or resection could entail, nor of the post-operative complications that can so easily arise in old peopleafter major surgery. There had been no hint that perhaps the surgery could lead to a death more agonising, and certainly more prolonged, than the abdominal crisis that had occurred in the early hours of the morning. Neither the doctor nor the nurse discussed with Slavek his mother’s dying wishes, nor her certainty of her impending demise, her astonishing resolution to get to England to see him, and her acceptance of death once she had achieved this. No one asked him, quietly and sympathetically, if he could project what his mother might want. Whilst all the decisions were made about and around her, Mrs Ratski was in a deep, morphine-induced, sleep. But no one suggested waiting until she roused so that she could speak for herself.
    That was when, at the age of eighteen, I started to contemplatedeath.

    Mrs Ratski was taken to theatre within an hour of the ambulance arriving at Slavek’s house, and Mr Carter took the case himself, with the registrar and houseman assisting. The abdomen was incised, and a volvulus was found to be causing the obstruction. Volvulus is the term applied to the twisting of a loop of bowel on itself. The pelvic colon is most commonly involved, and the patients are usually elderly. Manual untwisting of the bowel was performed after deflation of the loop with an aspirating needle, then the gut was examined, and no other abnormality was detected. Gastric suction was continued throughout the operation, and a saline and glucose drip continued. To relieve the pressure on the pelvic colon, a left inguinal colostomy was undertaken, which was intended to be temporary. A colostomy is when a loop of colon is brought out through the abdominal wound on to the skin surface, and retained in position with sutures. An opening is then made into the bowel, and the contents will drain into a bag or bottle.
    The operation itself was relatively straightforward, but difficulties arose because of the anaesthetic.
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