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Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk

Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk

Titel: Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk
Autoren: Kresley Cole
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in the world wants you dead.”
    “Why the technology? Why not use magick?”
    “I use both.” He pointed to one of the second row monitors. “That outer gate is mystickally protected. You could run a tank into it, and the gate wouldn’t budge an inch. It can only be opened from this control.”
    She raised her brows at the screen. “Those are Wendigo.” The ones that had followed their truck.
    Their faces were long and haggard, as if their normal human ones had been stretched like putty. Stringy hair grew in patches all over their graying skin. They had hunched backs and emaciated bodies. Some still wore scraps of clothing.
    Their red eyes glowed with an unearthly hunger.
    “Yes, my barbarians at the gate. They are excellent guards, viciously protecting the valley,” he said, sounding admiring. “A few follow the rare vehicle, craving fresh meat. Most stay in the town.”
    Fresh meat. Holly stifled a glare, her anger rising. She couldn’t stop thinking about those villagers trapped in that church. Their last sight had been these horrific beasts….
    Her thoughts were interrupted by a display on one of the many screens. “Is that…is that the cabin I just stayed in?”
    “Oh, yes.”
    Don’t throw up, don’t gag. “You spied on us?” She had never hated anyone so instantly and so violently as much as she did this bastard.
    “Did you think there was no reason for such an innocuous checkpoint? It looks so rustic, you never suspect the cameras. Initially, I’d had them installed to make sure you two weren’t plotting against me. But then, there were other…benefits.” He reached his gnarled hand toward her, and she forced herself not to recoil as he brushed her cheek. “The more I watched, the more I wanted you.”
    The humiliation and disgust she felt were overpowering.
    “I could scarcely wait for you to be delivered to me, but the demon wanted to enjoy you for himself first.”
    Once her eyes stopped watering, they focused on his face. “Then you know there’s a chance I could be pregnant with the demon’s baby.”
    “I suspected as much. He’s probably just as likely as I am to spawn evil.”
    “Is he?”
    “He’s known in the Lore as a brutal killer. But I do want the babe to be mine . If you’re pregnant, I’ll take care of it.”
    “Take care of…?” It dawned on her what he meant. “Why would you want a child at all?”
    “To possess the warrior of ultimate evil. I want to mold it, shape it.”
    Looking away, she studied the screens, trying to determine the layout of the castle, to find an escape route. She felt as if she was in a video game. Level one, defeat pervert. Level two, engage army of revenants. Level three, steal vehicle and evade Wendigo.
    Another screen drew her attention. She squinted. “Is that a…female revenant? I thought only men were raised from the dead.”
    Groot gave her that disturbing smile. “It gets lonely out here.”
    That’s it . She retched in her mouth. “You know what? I can’t do this. No subterfuge. You’re just too revolting for me to pretend.”
    The demon she’d thought she loved had delivered her to a monster who slept with reanimated corpses.
    Tim’s math betrayal was laughable now.
    “In that case, I’ll have to insist that you accept my welcome gift immediately.” He opened a drawer and withdrew a felt-lined case. Inside lay a shining spike, looking like a new, polished railroad tie.
    “What is that for?” she demanded.
    He rose, starting for her. “It replaces your will with mine.”
    The spikes in the revenants’ heads. “You think you’re going to put that in my temple?” Her claws sharpened like daggers. She would use them to slit his meaty throat. Never hesitate.
    “It will only hurt for a few months, until your head grows around it permanently.”
    “Over my dead body, Groot. I’ll fight you to the death over this. I’ll—”
    Suddenly the biggest diamond she’d ever seen appeared.
    From behind his back, he’d produced a brilliant stone the size of his palm. “Look how it sparkles, Valkyrie.”
    Faultless light, cylinders of brightness. She stared, riveted. Have to look away. Or I greet a fate worse than death.
    Panic made her heart thunder. Break away! I can do this….
    “Your eyes have grown silver,” he said, his voice getting thick. When he was directly in front of her, he raised the spike. “Just relax for me, Valkyrie—”
    Her hand shot out to snatch him between the legs.
    She broke her
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