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Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk

Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk

Titel: Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk
Autoren: Kresley Cole
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us to be together, then we stay together. None of this the male goes off to battle crap.”
    “You think I’ll take my pregnant female into a war-torn plain?”
    “You will if you want to keep her. My mother went to battle while carrying me.”
    He exhaled. “I never want to put more lies between us, so I’m saying at the outset that I will do everything in my power to dissuade you from this.”
    “And I’ll fight hard to be by your side. Looks like it’s on.”
    His lips curled. “Oh, it’s on .” But then, he grew serious once more. “Did you hear me when I said I was in love with you?” His voice was hoarse, laden with feeling.
    “I heard you.”
    He brought his mouth down to hers for a searing kiss that left her knees weak. When they broke away, catching their breath, he said, “You’re in love with me, too?”
    “I might be,” she murmured. “Are you going to use sex to try to seal this deal with me?”
    “Oh, yeah.” With a growl, he trailed his lips down her neck.
    She smiled up at the ceiling, her eyes sliding closed in pleasure. “Because I’m okay with that….”
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