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Ill Take Forever

Ill Take Forever

Titel: Ill Take Forever
Autoren: Barbara McMahon
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usual time and glanced out of the window. The sky was still overcast. The snow had stopped, but lay heavy on the trees, bending the branches low. She couldn’t tell where her driveway was the snow blanketed the landscape entirely. As she dressed, she went over the events of last night. She was alone in her room, even the blankets had been removed. Maybe he’d left already. Maybe she wouldn’t ever see him again. Curiously, she felt a small pang of disappointment at this thought. Only because she wanted an explanation. Wanted to know what was going on.
    Jenny dressed quickly, pulling on flannel lined blue jeans, a soft blue sweater and warm boots. She brushed her hair until it shone. Her hair was shoulder length, which helped keep her warm in winter and was easy to put up off her neck in summer. Set for the day, she ran lightly down the steps. Entering the kitchen, her eyes flew to the spot before the door where she had first seen him. It was empty. The broken pane was patched with paper, the room warm, as a kettle came to a boil on the stove.
    The stranger was sitting at the breakfast table, tipped back in his chair, lazily watching her.
    'Hi,' he said easily.
    'Hi,' she replied stiffly. Moving into the room, she went to the table, sat gingerly on one of the chairs and faced him. 'Do you have a name?'
    He smiled. 'Sure. Kyle Martin. What's yours?'
    'You called me by it last night.'
    'Jenny, I know from your neighbor Nate. Jenny what?'
    'Warwick.' She glanced out the window. The snow was deeper than she had thought. 'Are you leaving this morning?'
    He shook his head. 'I doubt it. How can I get anywhere in that mess?'
    He shook his head again. 'I'd freeze my butt off before I got a mile. It's cold out and the snow is almost hip deep in spots.'
    'Well, you can't stay here!'
    'Last night proves I can. Anyway, I don't want to get into an argument. I plan to stay, so make up your mind to it.'
    Jenny glared at him.
    The shrill whistle of the kettle broke into her thoughts. Out of habit she rose and took it from the burner.
    'I'd fix coffee, but I don't know where you keep it,' Kyle drawled, watching her.
    'Am I expected to wait on you, too, while you're here?'
    'Come now, Jenny, you have to eat, how much trouble to fix a little extra for me?' he said reasonably.
    'Look, Mr. Kyle Martin, just who are you and why are you breaking into people's houses, hiding? I don't want you here. Can't you find somewhere else to go?'
    'I'm visiting this area incognito, you might say. I don't want certain people to know.'
    'Oh, that's clear. Who? Nate and Jim? Was there a poker game?'
    'No, there was no poker game.'
    The silence after that statement dragged on and on. Jenny, waiting for further explanation, Kyle silent, watching her. Finally her impatience bubbled over.
    'Well, why don't you want Nate to know you're here?'
    'It's long and involved and doesn't concern you. At least, I hope it doesn't. It's not that I don't want your friend Nate to know. I don't want anyone to know. I'd forget asking questions about things that don't concern you, it’s safer that way. Are you going to fix us breakfast?'
    Her emotions seething, Jenny turned and began to get things out for the meal. She knew a subtle threat when she heard one. Even though he hadn’t done anything to harm her, she didn’t trust him. What was going on? How was this guy connected to Nate and Jim? Why had they been out looking for Kyle late last night? And why didn't he want anyone to know he was here?
    Only a crook would be so secretive. And carry a gun. She wondered where he’d put it while he dried his clothes. She should have dashed out and looked for it while he was in the shower.
    She drew the cups she needed for the coffee from the cupboard. She used the French press for the coffee. When it was read she filled both cups. Slamming one down before Kyle, spilling a little, she kept her eyes away from him. He slowly put his chair back on all four legs, drawing the cup near him. Jenny quickly gathered the things she’s fix for breakfast—eggs, bacon, bread, milk. All the while she prepared the meal, she was conscious of his steady gaze on her. Finally, frustration rising, she turned to him.
    'Do you have to watch my every move?'
    Kyle shrugged, a smile lurking in his eyes. 'More interesting than watching the wall.'
    'Well, I don't like it. Look somewhere else!'
    'I'll look where I want. Unless you want to try to make me look elsewhere?'
    'You're making me
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