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Ill Take Forever

Ill Take Forever

Titel: Ill Take Forever
Autoren: Barbara McMahon
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his room tomorrow. There was a small powder room beneath the inside stairs for immediate needs. He was too tired to worry about a shower or anything except getting off his feet! Or, rather, foot.
    Reaching the landing at last, Jared moved into his apartment and headed directly for the large, overstuffed sofa placed against one wall.
    Sinking down gratefully, he lowered the crutches against the cushions and leaned back. He felt exhausted. What didn't ache from the injuries received during the explosion ached from using crutches and sheer exhaustion from the twenty-seven hours of traveling. He should have waited, no doubt about that. But he’d wanted to get home, get the baby settled and heal. He wanted life to return to normal as quickly as possible.

    The Bachelor's Baby Promise
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