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Hidden: House of Night: Book 10

Hidden: House of Night: Book 10

Titel: Hidden: House of Night: Book 10
Autoren: P. C. Cast , Kristin Cast
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with tears in his eyes. He looked from it to her.
    “I knew I was right to believe in you,
” Grandma told him. “Thank you for saving me, child.” When she leaned forward he bent and she gave him a soft, mom kiss on the cheek.
    “You need to look in the mirror, Z,” Stark said.
    “No I don’t.” I felt weirdly numb. “I know what Heath looks like.”
    Aurox was staring in the mirroragain. “So, that is Heath?”
    “Yeah,” Stark said with a sigh. “That’s Heath. Which means somehow you’re a friend of mine.”
    Aurox was still looking at his reflection when his expression changed. He smiled and said, “Good to see you again.”
    Something about his voice made me shiver.
    Then Aurox looked from the mirror into my eyes. “And you?” he asked me. “What was Heath to you?”
    Lots of answers flitted through my mind:
he was my problem—my pain in the butt—my lover—my Consort—my rock—my forever boyfriend.
    “Heath was my humanity” was what came out of my mouth. “And now it looks like he’s become your humanity.”
    I dropped the mirror. Before it could shatter there was a little popping noise and it was a Seer Stone again. This time I did shove it into my pocket.
    Grandma came to me and I put my arm back around her waist. Stark took my hand, lifted it, and kissed my palm.
    “Don’t worry,” he said softly. “No matter what else, we have love. Always love.”
    The End
    For now …

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Present-day Oklahoma
    Anger and confusion stirred withinDragon Lankford.Was Neferet truly taking her leave of them so soon after the death of the boy and their goddess’s cataclysmic visit?
    “Neferet, what of the fledgling’s body? Should we not continue to hold vigil?” With an effort, Dragon Lankford kept his voice calm and his tone even as he addressed his High Priestess.
    Neferet turned her beautiful emerald eyes to him. She smiled smoothly. “You are right to remind me, Sword Master. Those of you who honored Jack with purple spirit candles, throw them on the pyre as you leave. The Sons of Erebus Warriors will hold vigil over the poor fledgling’s body for the remainder of the night.”
    “As you wish, Priestess.” Dragon bowed deeply to her, wondering why his skin felt so itchy—almost as if he was covered in dirt and grime. He had a sudden inexplicable desire to bathe in very, very hot water.
It is Neferet,
his conscience spoke softly to him.
She has not been right since Kalona broke free of the earth. You used to feel that …
    Dragon shook his head and set his jaw. Peripheral events did not matter. Feelings were no longer important. Duty was all encompassing—vengeance was utmost.
Focus! I must keep my mind on the job at hand!
he commanded himself, and then nodded quickly to specific Warriors. “Disperse the crowd!”
    Neferet paused to speak to Lenobia before she departed from the center of the campus and headed in the direction of the professors’ living quarters. Dragon barely spared her a look.Instead, his attention was pulled back to the fiery pyre and the boy’s flaming body.
    “The crowd is being dispersed, Sword Master. How many of us shall remain to watch by the pyre with you?” asked Christophe, one of his senior officers.
    Dragon hesitated before he answered, taking a moment to center himself as well as to absorb the fact that the fledglings and professors who were milling uncertainly around the brightly burning pyre were obviously agitated and thoroughly upset.
Duty. When all else fails, turn to duty!
    “Have two of the guards escort the professors back to their quarters. The rest of you are to go with the fledglings. Be quite certain they all return to their rooms. Then stay close to the dormitories for the remainder of this terrible night.” Dragon’s voice was rough with emotion. “The students need to feel the protective presence of their Sons of Erebus Warriors so that they can, at least, be certain of their safety, even if it seems they can be certain of little else.”
    “But the child’s pyre–”
    “I will stay with Jack.” Dragon spoke in a tone that allowed no interference. “I shall not leave the boy’s side until the red glow of his embers turns to rust. Do your duty, Christophe; the House of Night needs you. I will see to the sadness that remains here.”
    Christophe bowed and then began calling out commands, following the Sword Master’s orders with cold efficiency.
    It seemed only
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