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Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Titel: Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game
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“Do you know him? Look over my left shoulder.” He took another step closer, bending his head toward hers as if he might kiss her.
    Her breath caught in her throat. Everything in her stil ed. She placed the palm of her hand on his chest, right over his soundly beating heart, but whether to push him away or to steady herself as she raised her head, she wasn’t certain.
    She flicked a quick glance to the tree line and her throat nearly closed. Red eyes glowed back at her. Something was there al right— someone . She couldn’t tel who it was, only that human eyes didn’t reflect back light in that manner.
    “We don’ need to cut through the grove to get to the dock. This road curves around and then goes back toward the canals. It’s a little longer but ...”
    “I think a strol through the grove is just the thing,” Drake interrupted.
    She shook her head. “I don’ know if you’ve been readin’ about the ghost cats people think they’ve been spottin’ in the swamps, but sometimes those things are more real than we want them to be. I’d just feel safer if we stayed in town.”
    “Look at me.” He kept his voice low, and she swore it was almost a purr it was so soft and al uring, but it was definitely an order.
    Beneath her skin, she felt an itch. If she’d been a cat she would have sworn he’d ruffled her fur the wrong way, but before she could stop herself, her gaze jumped to his. Instantly she was caught by that commanding, focused stare. His eyes were gorgeous, frightening and sexy al at once.
    “You’re safe with me.”
    His tone was just too intimate, too certain—so certain that when she stared into his eyes, in spite of her brain tel ing her to be logical, she believed him.
    And how dumb was that when she knew there was a leopard stalking and kil ing people? Drake Donovan might be a powerful man in his world, and clearly everything about him shouted he could handle himself—but not with a kil ing machine like a shifter. Cunning and intel igent, the shifter used both man and beast to bring down prey.
    She swal owed hard, unable to escape those piercing eyes. He’d locked in on her and there was no fleeing. It occurred to her suddenly that he was tel ing her something altogether different than she’d imagined. She frowned, but he was already turning her very gently but firmly back in the direction of the grove. Reluctantly, she took a few steps, confused by Drake, confused by her reaction to him.
    She scowled. Drake Donovan threw her off balance. She glanced deeper into the shadows. Nothing moved. No eyes stared back. Whoever had been there had changed position. Stil , she was uneasy and that wasn’t a good sign. She dropped her hand very casual y to the knife at her waist, unsnapping the safety flap with one thumb.
    “We’re fine,” Drake said softly. “A man at ten o’clock and two more trailing after us.”
    Her scowl deepened. She was the guide. It was up to her to protect him in the swamp. This was her home turf and she should have spotted the others long before Drake became aware of them. He was messing up her warning system. She had the uncomfortable feeling he was setting off the alarms and she couldn’t see beyond him. So why would she feel safe with him?
    She flicked her gaze to the position he’d given her. Walking along the path merging with theirs was Amo Jeanmard, a man she’d known for some years. She glanced behind her and identified the Lanoux brothers, Robert and Dion. Twins, one was rarely seen without the other. They’d gone to school with Mahieu, but often dropped by the bar late at night to say hel o. She liked both of them. She suspected Robert flirted with her for fun, but that Dion was quite serious. From the look on his face, he wasn’t happy to see her with Drake.
    She came from a society of people who were friendly but very private. The men had long ago tried to point out to her father that she was a wild child, but when he hadn’t responded, they al seemed to think they needed to keep an eye on her, from a distance of course.
    “They’re neighbors,” she announced, relaxing a little. If a kil er lurked in the grove, he wouldn’t show himself with so many grouped together. Once she got her charge settled into the bed-and-breakfast, she’d go back to the house and add to her supply of weapons. She wasn’t going to endanger anyone, but she had to make a living. Donovan was paying too much money and she needed it. She refused to be dependent on
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