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Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Titel: Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game
Autoren: authors_sort
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felt the ripple of response run through his heavily roped muscles, felt the strength and power of his body. She made him whol y aware of his power.
    He had the ability to leap huge distances with absolute agility. He could land graceful y in either form—cat or man. He could slink like fluid water over the ground, so silent, not even the leaves dared move. Like his cat, the sheer power of his muscles enabled him to move fast to control prey. Those same muscles al owed him the stealth of freeze-frame motion, holding completely stil until he disappeared into his surroundings.
    He was power and in that moment, he knew she was whol y aware of it as wel . The gold flecks in her eyes grew until they ringed the darker chocolate.
    She didn’t look away. Didn’t blink. His body went into overdrive, hard and ful and suddenly aggressive. The woman triggered the same exact reaction in the man as the elusive female of his kind had done to his leopard. He would have to revise his opinion of her. Saria Boudreaux was more than the young woman he’d first thought her—much more—and he intended to uncover every secret she had.
    Saria shivered as she stared into Drake Donovan’s unusual eyes. Piercing. His steady, direct stare was disturbing. She had the feeling he could see right through her, into her deepest thoughts. She blushed at the idea, thankful darkness was fal ing fast. Drake Donovan was an unusual man. He had stood so stil that, although outlined by the river, she had barely managed to see him—and she had unusual y good night vision. He seemed to have a trick of disappearing into the background around him.
    It didn’t make sense that he could fade into his surroundings so easily. He was a formidable if not striking man. His shoulders were wide, his chest thick and muscular. He had the strongest, most impressive arms of any man she’d met. Ropes of muscle rippled enticingly every time he took a step. He had a wealth of thick blond hair and a face that was carved in strong lines. The moment she laid eyes on him, her heart beat too fast and a mil ion butterflies took wing in her stomach. Even now she felt jittery.
    She was used to being around men—even being alone with them. She worked the bar, sometimes alone, but she’d never felt so aware of herself as a woman. She could barely breathe. The heat of the evening seemed just a little worse. She could feel sweat trickling down the val ey between her breasts and it was a struggle to keep her breathing even. Every breath she took just brought his wild, unusual scent deeper into her body. She had never been so utterly, acutely aware of a man in her life.
    He was so silent when he walked, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing over her shoulder every now and then to reassure herself that he was fol owing her. He was the type of man she normal y would avoid at al costs. She had seen other women around her succumb to physical attraction, or even genuine love, and al had ended the same way: doormats for demanding, needy husbands. That was so not going to be her.
    She was not even close to his league and she wasn’t stupid enough to pretend she was. He had a hard-won sophistication about him, and he carried authority as easily as he breathed. Physical attraction died fairly quickly when everyday life set in and then where would she be? Donovan was the kind of man who ruled everything and everyone in his domain with an iron hand.
    He wore his blue jeans low on his hips and his thighs were twin, strong columns. She couldn’t help darting a couple of furtive glances at the impressive package in the front. Drake Donovan was perfect as eye candy, but she needed to pul herself together fast. He would eat a woman alive.
    She searched a little desperately for something to say to him, feeling awkward. “Have you been here before?” She was a professional guide, for heaven’s sake, yet she couldn’t even make smal talk.
    She swore under her breath. A week with him. An entire week. The money was good, but she couldn’t control her reaction to him and it was very clear he didn’t want to even engage in polite conversation. She bit down hard on her lip and picked up the pace. Another quick glance over her shoulder told her he’d kept up with her easily.
    “You seem a little young to be a guide in the swamps,” Drake said.
    Saria bit back her first retort. Great. Her first real hot-tie and he thought she was young. She kept her back to him, trying not to
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