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Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game

Titel: Ghostwalker 09 - Ruthless Game
Autoren: authors_sort
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Oceans of Fire )

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    For Mike and Margo Anthony

    For My Readers
    Be sure to go to http://www.christinefeehan.com/members/ to sign up for my private book announcement list and download the free e-book of Dark Desserts . Join my community and get firsthand news, enter the book discussions, ask your questions, and chat with me. Please feel free to email me at Christine@christine feehan.com. I would love to hear from you.

    As always when writing a book, I have several people to thank: Morey Sparks, for information on weapons; Jack, for answering questions regarding weapons; and of course, Brian Feehan, who always drops everything to work out tough fight scenes. Manda, thank you for going above and beyond, working late nights and weekends when I needed you to get the book finished. Domini, as always, you make the book so much better! I appreciate you al so much!

    The Ghost Walker Symbol Details
    SIGNIFIES shadow
    SIGNIFIES protection against evil forces
    SIGNIFIES the Greek letter psi, which is used by parapsychology researchers to signify ESP or other psychic abilities

    SIGNIFIES qualities of a knight—loyalty, generosity, courage, and honor
    SIGNIFIES shadow knights who protect against evil forces using psychic powers, courage, and honor

    The GhostWalker Creed
    We are the GhostWalkers, we live in the shadows
    The sea, the earth, and the air are our domain
    No fallen comrade will be left behind
    We are loyalty and honor bound
    We are invisible to our enemies
    and we destroy them where we find them
    We believe in justice and we protect our country
    and those unable to protect themselves
    What goes unseen, unheard, and unknown
    are GhostWalkers
    There is honor in the shadows and it is us
    We move in complete silence whether
    in jungle or desert
    We walk among our enemy unseen and unheard
    Striking without sound and scatter to the winds
    before they have knowledge of our existence
    We gather information and wait with endless patience
    for that perfect moment to deliver swift justice
    We are both merciful and merciless
    We are relentless and implacable in our resolve
    We are the GhostWalkers and the night is ours

    The lone coyote trotted across the desert on the
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