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Fool (english)

Fool (english)

Titel: Fool (english)
Autoren: Christopher Moore
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“By St. Cardomon’s scaly feet”-the legend goes that St. Cardomon was a monk from Italy to whom the Archangel Raziel appeared, asking for a drink of water. While looking for water, Cardomon accidentally wandered into a cave that led into hell. There he was lost for forty days and forty nights, and while his feet burned when he first arrived, he soon developed the green and scaly feet of a lizard, and was protected from the fires of hell. When he returned to the angel with a flagon of ice-water (which no one had seen before), he was granted the gift of scaly feet for all time and it is often said that a woman with feet so rough that they will tear the bedsheets are “blessed by St. Cardomon.” Cardomon is the patron saint of combination skin, cold beverages, and necrophilia.

    1. Nuncle-archaic, uncle.

    3. Chamberlain-a servant usually in charge of running a castle or household.

    1. Poke-a sack, bag; a pig in a poke was usually a cat, which is why you don’t buy one, being as cats are not good eating.

    3. Perfidy-treachery, definitely not bosoms.

    2. Ydych chi’n cymryd cerdynnau credid? -Welsh, “Do you take credit cards?”

    2. The dog’s bollocks!-excellent! The bee’s knees! The cat’s pj’s. Literally, the dog’s balls, which doesn’t seem to be that great a thing, yet, there you are.

    9. Blighty-Britain, Great Britain; slang.

    1. Boffnacity-an expression of shagnatiousness, fit. From the Latin boffusnatious .

    2. Dugs-breasts, teats.

    1. Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn -Welsh, “The Red Dragon should go forward!” Originally the Welsh National Motto. Later replaced by “Yes, we have shepherd’s pie!”

    1. King Lear , Act I, Scene 2, Edmund.

    8. Solar-a sitting room or parlor in the top story of a tower. The tower unblocked by outer walls receives a lot of sun, thus the name.
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