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Fatal Series 01 - Fatal Affair

Fatal Series 01 - Fatal Affair

Titel: Fatal Series 01 - Fatal Affair
Autoren: Marie Force
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who… I mean, why? ”
    “The cops are here, but I don’t know anything yet. I need you to request a postponement on the vote.”
    “I can’t,” she said, adding in a whisper, “I can’t think about that right now.”
    “You have to, Chris. That bill is his legacy. We can’t let all his hard work be for nothing. Can you do it? For him?”
    “You have to pull yourself together for the staff, but don’t tell them yet. Not until his parents are notified.”
    “Oh, God, his poor parents. You should go, Nick. It’d be better coming from you than cops they don’t know.”
    “I don’t know if I can. How do I tell people I love that their son’s been murdered?”
    “He’d want it to come from you.”
    “I suppose you’re right. I’ll see if the cops will let me.”
    “What’re we going to do without him, Nick?” She posed a question he’d been grappling with himself. “I just can’t imagine this world, this life, without him.”
    “I can’t either,” Nick said, knowing it would be a much different life without John O’Connor at the center of it.
    “He’s really dead?” she asked as if to convince herself it wasn’t a cruel joke. “Someone killed him?”

    Outside the chief’s office suite, Detective Sergeant Sam Holland smoothed her hands over the toffee-colored hair she corralled into a clip for work, pinched some color into cheeks that hadn’t seen the light of day in weeks, and adjusted her gray suit jacket over a red scoop-neck top.
    Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and settle her chronically upset stomach, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. Chief Farnsworth’s receptionist greeted her with a smile. “Go right in, Sergeant Holland. He’s waiting for you.”
    Great , Sam thought as she left the receptionist with a weak smile. Before she could give into the urge to turn tail and run, she erased the grimace from her face and went in.
    “Sergeant.” The chief, a man she’d once called Uncle Joe, stood up and came around the big desk to greet her with a firm handshake. His gray eyes skirted over her with concern and sympathy, both of which were new since “the incident.” She despised being the reason for either. “You look well.”
    “I feel well.”
    “Glad to hear it.” He gestured for her to have a seat. “Coffee?”
    “No, thanks.”
    Pouring himself a cup, he glanced over his shoulder. “I’ve been worried about you, Sam.”
    “I’m sorry for causing you worry and for disgracing the department.” This was the first chance she’d had to speak directly to him since she returned from a month of administrative leave, during which she’d practiced the sentence over and over. She thought she’d delivered it with convincing sincerity.
    “Sam,” he sighed as he sat across from her, cradling his mug between big hands. “You’ve done nothing to disgrace yourself or the department. Everyone makes mistakes.”
    “Not everyone makes mistakes that result in a dead child, Chief.”
    He studied her for a long, intense moment as if he was making some sort of decision. “Senator John O’Connor was found murdered in his apartment this morning.”
    “Jesus,” she gasped. “How?”
    “I don’t have all the details, but from what I’ve been told so far, it appears he was dismembered and stabbed through the neck. Apparently, his chief of staff found him.”
    “Nick,” she said softly.
    “Excuse me?”
    “Nick Cappuano is O’Connor’s chief of staff.”
    “You know him?”
    “ Knew him. Years ago,” she added, surprised and unsettled to discover the memory of him still had power over her, that just the sound of his name rolling off her lips could make her heart race.
    “I’m assigning the case to you.”
    Surprised at being thrust so forcefully back into the real work she had craved since her return to duty, she couldn’t help but ask, “Why me?”
    “Because you need this, and so do I. We both need a win.”
    The press had been relentless in its criticism of him, of her, of the department, but to hear him acknowledge it made her ache. Her father had come up through the ranks with Farnsworth, which was probably the number one reason why she still had a job. “Is this a test? Find out who killed the senator and my previous sins are forgiven?”
    He put down his coffee cup and leaned forward, elbows resting on knees. “The only person who needs to forgive you, Sam, is you.”
    Infuriated by the surge of
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