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Faster We Burn

Faster We Burn

Titel: Faster We Burn
Autoren: Chelsea M. Cameron
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    “Where is he?” I said to one of the cops. “I have a few things I’d like to tell him.”
    The cop looked at me with a stunned expression.
    “We, uh, took him into custody. I don’t think you should see him right now.” He tried to put his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off.
    “No, I’m not done with him yet. I’m going to make him regret everything he did to me.” I tried to lunge past the crowd, which wasn’t the brightest thing to do because about six sets of arms were there to stop me.
    “Let me go!” I said, trying to shove my way through and failing. “I’m going to make him wish he was never born.” I growled, and another set of hands clasped my face, forcing me to look into a set of lovely green eyes.
    “You already got him. You got him. He doesn’t have any power over you. He never did. He is nothing. Nothing, compared to you, do you understand, Katie? He’s nothing.” He pulled me into his arms and whispered the last part into my ear as he crushed me into his chest.
    “Nothing, nothing, nothing.” Rocking me back and forth, he said it over and over. I was sure the cops were giving us strange looks, but they stepped back.
    “I hate him,” I whispered into his pounding heart.
    “I know, I know. I hate him too. The only reason I’m not killing him for you is because I’m holding you. You’re the only thing keeping me from making a big mistake and ending up in jail.” His voice shook a little as the cops talked back and forth about what to do. I knew from experience that I’d have to give a statement and so forth. It was going to be a long night. I wished I could rewind and go back to when I was so excited about my hair.
    Stryker held me for as long as it took for both of us to calm down enough that we didn’t both bolt.
    “Can I give my statement tomorrow? I’m really tired,” I said to one of the cops.
    He said something into his radio. “Are you sure? It’s best to get everything while it’s fresh in your mind.”
    “Oh, it will still be fresh tomorrow.”
    “Are you sure?” I appreciated his concern, but I couldn’t do it tonight.
    I nodded. “Yes. I just want to go home with my boyfriend.” I squeezed Stryker’s hand.
    “Okay, well just come in tomorrow when you’re ready. He’s not going to be bothering you anymore tonight.” He gave me his card and I thanked them for their quick response.
    We all stood silently in the hallway. Then Simon’s stomach growled so loud we all heard it.
    He blushed. “What? My stomach didn’t know there was a crisis. I can’t help it.”
    “Sorry guys,” I said, leaning against Stryker.
    “Are you kidding? What do you have to be sorry for?” Simon said. “I’m sorry about my stomach. Shut up stomach,” he said, tilting his head down as if he was talking to it.
    “Let’s go back home and order pizza. What do you think?” Stryker said.
    “Good idea,” I said, letting him lead me back toward the stairs.
    “If he ever lays a finger on you—” Stryker started to say.
    “He won’t. I’ll break his hands off first,” I said. “Nobody will ever make me feel that way again, least of all Zack.”
    I leaned my head on his shoulder. “That’s my girl.”

    Chapter Thirty-one
    She put on a brave front, but I woke up in the middle of the night to find her whimpering in her sleep. I was still on edge about the whole thing, so I wasn’t sleeping at all.
    “Katie, wake up.” I shook her shoulder and her eyes popped open.
    Looking left and right she searched for me. “Whaaa?”
    “You were dreaming, sweetheart. It’s okay.” She wiped her eyes and sat up.
    “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
    “Do you want some tea or something?” I’d do anything I could to try to make it better, or at least not suck so much.
    “Yeah, sure.” She closed her eyes and sat back, breathing as if she’d just run a mile.
    I made her some tea in the microwave and brought it back. She was messing with her hair.
    “I’m sorry I woke you,” she said as I handed her the mug.
    “You didn’t. I was already awake. I couldn’t sleep after…everything.”
    She sipped the tea and moved so she could lean against me. I put my arm around her and my chin on the top of her head.
    “I just feel like I’ll never be free of him. That he’s always going to be lurking in the back of my mind. He’ll be that thing I’m afraid of when the house is quiet and I’m alone and I let my mind
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