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Drake Sisters 06 - Turbulent Sea

Drake Sisters 06 - Turbulent Sea

Titel: Drake Sisters 06 - Turbulent Sea
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and cool. His mouth was hot and moist. He nibbled on the tips of her fingers.
    He knew what he was doing to her. He had to know. And he had to know she'd come there to see him. Joley tugged halfheartedly at her hand, but he merely tightened his grip and she let it go. There was no saving her self-respect.
    'Why can't you let me have some peace?'
    'You know why. You belong to me and I'm not willing to give you up because you're afraid.'
    She felt the first flush of smoldering anger. 'I'm not afraid of you. I don't like what you are or who you work for.
    There's a difference.'
    'Is there?' He smiled as he scraped the pads of her fingers with his teeth, sending streaks of fire racing through her bloodstream and sizzling along every nerve ending.
    She jerked her hand away and wiped it on her thigh. 'You know there is. I'm not going to deny I'm physically attracted, but I have a certain weakness for jerks. Don't ask me why, but I have "losers apply here" stamped on my forehead. You're just the kind of man I want to avoid.'
    His palm curled around her throat, a gentle touch, yet it seemed a flame burned against her bare skin. A faint grin touched his mouth, turned his eyes to a deep blue. 'Am I really?' The smile was gone, leaving him looking more lethal than ever.
    She swallowed the sudden lump of fear before she choked on it. His thumb slid along her neck in the smallest of caresses, sending shivers of awareness down her spine. Sexually, she was very susceptible to him. She suspected him of spell casting, but when she touched him, she couldn't find evidence of it. He often whispered to her at night, urging her to come to him. And she wanted him day and night. Even her songs were beginning to reflect her need of him.
    She had come here intending to sleep with him -just getting it over with - but now that she was with him, she knew it would be a terrible mistake. He would own her, she'd never be free of him. Her only hope was to hold out and hope her obsession with him passed.
    'You're a hit man. It isn't glamorous or cool. It's disgusting. You kill people for a living.'
    'Do I?'
    He never raised his voice or seemed to take offense, even when she was being deliberately rude.
    'Don't you?' She was desperate. Desperate . Someone had to save her from herself, because this man had her so tied up in knots she couldn't think straight. She wanted to claw at his face, rake his body with her fingernails, fight for freedom, and yet at the same time, she craved him, needed him, wanted to wrap her body around his and feel him deep inside her, possessing her, claiming her. She nearly groaned in despair.
    'Kiss me, Joley.'
    Her stomach somersaulted. Her gaze jumped to his mouth. He had great lips. Very defined, very masculine. Kissing would get her into more trouble and she was already in way too deep. Ilya Prakenskii seemed so cool on the outside, ice water in his veins, but inside he smoldered like a living volcano, all molten heat and roiling lava.
    He leaned close, his lips inches from hers. His warm breath was against her face and he smelled of spice and mint.
    'Kiss me.' The command was low, his voice soft, almost tender. Her toes were beginning to curl.
    She didn't know if she moved to cover that scant inch or if he did. She only knew that his hand shifted to shape the nape of her neck and that her body went soft and pliant, molding against his incredibly hard frame. And that his mouth was on hers. His lips were firm and cool. His teeth scraped and tugged at her lower lip and then it wasn't cool anymore.
    Fire ignited.
    He took control before she could think or breathe, the flames sweeping up and through her, consuming her, taking her over completely. She gave herself to him, wrapping her arms around him, sliding one leg around his to bring her body some relief from the terrible tension that built and built along with the firestorm his mouth created.
    His hand caught her hair and held her with a tight, ruthless grip, the bite of pain only increasing her need to be closer, to wrap herself up in him. Her hips moved, sliding her body intimately against his thigh. She needed - needed -
    release, a respite from the continual sexual pressure that never seemed to let up. Night and day her body was on fire for this man.
    The heat from his mouth spread like flames licking over her skin. She heard herself moan, and he deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth, taking everything she offered and demanding more.
    The world spun away for Joley
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