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Demon Night

Demon Night

Titel: Demon Night
Autoren: Meljean Brook
Vom Netzwerk:
“An action-packed series full of creatures of dark and light.”
    Joyfully Reviewed
    “A read that goes down hot and sweet—utterly unique—and one hell of a ride.”
    — New York Times bestselling author
Marjorie M. Liu
    “Sensual and intriguing, Demon Moon is a simply wonderful book. I was enthralled from the first page!”
    —Nalini Singh, national bestselling author of
Slave to Sensation and Visions of Heat
    “Action-packed, with a fascinating, one-of-a-kind vampire hero and a heroine with some very unique qualities.”
    — Romantic Times
    “Brings a unique freshness to the romantic fantasy realm…action-packed from the onset.”
    — Midwest Book Review
    “I loved every moment of it.”
    — All About Romance
    “Fantastically drawn characters…and their passion for each other is palpable in each scene they share. It stews beneath the surface and when it finally reaches boiling point…Oh, wow!”
    “Brook has crafted a complex, interesting world that goes far beyond your usual…paranormal romance. Demon Angel truly soars.”
    —Jennifer Estep, author of
Hot Mama
    “Enthralling…[a] delightful saga.”
    — The Best Reviews
    “Extremely engaging…A fiendishly good book. Demon Angel is outstanding.”
    — The Romance Reader
    “A surefire winner. This book will captivate you and leave you yearning for more. Don’t miss Demon Angel. ”
    — Romance Reviews Today
    “A fascinating romantic fantasy with…a delightful pairing of star-crossed lovers.”
    — Midwest Book Review
    “Complex and compelling…a fabulous story.”
    — Joyfully Reviewed
    “An emotional roller coaster for both the characters and the reader. Brook has penned a story I am sure readers won’t soon forget.”
    — Romance Junkies
    “In-depth and intriguing. I loved the obvious thought and ideas put into writing this tale. The characters are deep, as is the world that is set up.”
    — The Romance Readers Connection
    “Brook…creates fantastic death-defying love…extremely erotic…with a paranormal twist.”
    — Fresh Fiction
    “Intriguing…the sex is piping hot.”
    — Romance Reviews Today
    “I look forward to many more tales from Ms. Brook.”
    — Joyfully Reviewed

Titles by Meljean Brook
    HOT SPELL (with Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, and Shiloh Walker)
    WILD THING (with Maggie Shayne, Marjorie Liu, and Alyssa Day)

    Meljean Brook

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    A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
    Copyright © 2008 by Melissa Khan.
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