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Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society

Titel: Dead Poets Society
Autoren: Nancy H. Kleinbaum
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waiting in school station wagon, honked for Knox. “Go
ahead, I’ll walk,” he yelled, and the car pulled away. “Of course I know you!”
Knox said, turning back to Chris. “From the first time I saw you I knew you had
a wonderful soul.”
    “Just like that?”
she asked.
    “Of course just like
that. That’s how you always know when it’s right.”
    “And if it so
happens that you’re wrong? If it just so happens that I couldn’t care less
about you?“
    “Then you wouldn’t
be here warning me about Chet,” Knox pointed out.
    Chris thought this
over. “Look,” she said, “I’ve got to go. I’m gonna be late for the play.”
    “Are you going with
    “With Chet, to a
play? Are you kidding?”
    “Then let’s go
together,” Knox suggested.
    “Knox, you are so
infuriating. ”
    “Just give me one
chance. If you don’t like me after tonight, I’ll stay away forever.”
    “Uh-huh,” Chris said
with a cynical smile.
    “I promise. Dead
Poets Honor. Come with me tonight. Then, if you don’t want to see me again, I
swear I’ll bow out.”
    Chris hesitated.
“God, if Chet found out he’d...”
    “Chet won’t know
anything,” Knox promised. “We’ll sit in the back and sneak away as soon as its
    “Knox, if you promise that this will be the end of it...”
    “Dead Poets Honor,”
he said, raising his hand
    “What is that?”
    “My word.” He
crossed his heart with his fingers and looked sincerely at Chris. She sighed as
he led her reluctantly off toward Henley Hall.
    Knox and Chris
entered the high-school auditorium long after Mr. Keating and the other
students had taken seats in front. They sat in the back and when his friends
spotted him with Chris they shot him gestures of encouragement.
    On stage, the
performance had begun. Sporting a crown of flowers, Neil made his grand
entrance as Puck, and the Dead Poets Society cheered him loudly. Neil scanned the
audience with a momentary look of fear. Todd crossed his fingers.
    “‘How now, spirit!
Whither wander you?’” Neil began as Puck.
    “‘Over hill, over
dale, thorough bush, thorough brier...’”an actor playing a fairy responded. Mr.
Keating glanced at the boys in the audience and gave a thumbs up signal for
    “‘Thou speak’st
aright;/ I am that merry wanderer of the night. / I jest to Oberon, and make
him smile, / When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile, / Neighing in likeness of
a filly foal...“
    Neil’s friends
watched him intently as he delivered his lines with skill and ease, enjoying
every moment, getting laughs in all the right places. Todd sat mouthing the
lines with him as if this might help Neil get through it. But Neil needed no
    “He’s good! He’s really
good!!” Charlie whispered excitedly to his friends.
    The play continued
with the characters of Lysander and Herinia. Ginny Danburry played Hermia,
dressed in an eye-catching costume of leaves and twigs.
    “One turf shall
serve as pillow for us both; / One heart, one bed, two bosoms, and one troth.’”
    ‘“Nay, good
Lysander, for my sake, my dear,/ Lie further off yet; do not lie so near,”‘
Ginny replied as Hermia.
    Charlie flipped
through the program looking for the name of the girl playing Hermia. “Ginny Danburry!
She’s beautiful!” he sighed as his eyes returned to her leaves and twigs.
    “ But, gentle
friend, for love and courtesy / Lie further off, in human modesty; / Such
separation as may well be said / Becomes a virtuous bachelor and a maid, / So
far be distant; and, good night, sweet friend. /Thy love ne’er alter till thy
sweet life end! ” Ginny recited.
    Charlie sat
enraptured by her. As Ginny and Lysander played their scene, Neil stood in the
wings looking out. Suddenly, he spotted his father enter the rear of the
auditorium and stand at the back. His pulse quickened but his expression
remained calm.
    On stage, Lysander
and Ginny completed their scene. “‘Here is my bed. Sleep give thee all his
rest! ” Lysander said.
    “‘With half that
wish the wisher’s eyes be pressed!‘” Hermia returned.
    The pair lay down on
the stage, and their characters went to sleep. A musical interlude signaled
Puck’s re-entry to the scene.
    Neil moved in the
wordless lyrical revelry uninhibited, joyful, magical. The other characters
appeared in the slow motion interlude as well. Hermia, glowing brightly, held
Charlie spellbound. Mr. Keating, Todd, and the other boys sat awed and
delighted by the whole
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