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Dead Man's Footsteps

Dead Man's Footsteps

Titel: Dead Man's Footsteps
Autoren: Peter James
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gave her daughter a strange look.
    ‘What do you mean by that?’
    Smiling like an impish child, she replied, ‘You know exactly what I mean, dear.’
    Abby blushed. Her mother had always been sharp as a tack. She’d never been able to hide anything from her for long, right from earliest childhood.
    ‘Don’t worry,’ her mother added. ‘I’m not going anywhere. There’s a cash prize as an alternative.’
    ‘I’d love you to get a passport,’ Abby said, sitting on the sofa, putting an arm around her frail shoulders and kissing her on the cheek. ‘I’d love you to join me.’
    Abby shrugged. ‘When I get settled somewhere.’
    ‘And have me turn up and cramp your style?’
    Abby gave a wistful laugh. ‘You wouldn’t ever cramp my style.’
    ‘Your dad and I, we were never much ones for travelling. When your late aunt, Anne, moved to Sydney all those years ago, she kept telling us how wonderful it was and that we should move out there. But your dad always felt his roots were here. And mine are too. But I’m proud of you, Abby. My mother used to say that one mother could support seven children, but seven children could never support one mother. You’ve proved her wrong.’
    Abby fought back her tears.
    ‘I’m really proud of you. There’s not much more a mother could ask of a daughter. Except maybe one thing.’ She gave her a quizzical look.
    ‘What?’ Abby smiled at her, knowing what was coming.
    ‘Maybe one day. Who knows. Then you’d have to get a passport and come and be with me.’
    Her mother looked down at her entry form again for some moments. ‘No,’ she said, and shook her head firmly. Then she put down her pen, took her daughter’s hand with her own bony, liver-spotted fingers and squeezed it tightly.
    Abby was surprised by her strength.
    ‘Always remember one thing, Abby dear, if you ever decide to become a parent. First you give your children roots. Then you give them wings.’

    An hour and a half after leaving her mother, Abby pulled the suitcase containing almost everything she was taking with her from Brighton along the platform of Gatwick Station, and up the escalator into the arrivals area. Then she deposited it at the left-luggage baggage storage.
    Carrying with her only the Jiffy bag that Detective Sergeant Branson had returned to her on Saturday, which was inside a carrier bag, and her handbag, she walked up to the easyJet ticket counter and joined a short queue. It was midday.
    In his office, Roy Grace was reading through a wodge of faxed reports that had been sent from Australia during the past twenty-four hours by Norman Potting and Nick Nicholl. He felt a little guilty about keeping Nicholl out there so long, but the list of contacts that Lorraine Wilson’s friend had given them had been too good to be ignored.
    However, despite everything, they still had no positive lead on where Ronnie Wilson was.
    He looked at his watch: 1.20. His lunch, which Eleanor had picked up for him from ASDA, lay on his desk in its carrier bag. A Healthy Option crayfish and rocket sandwich and an apple. He was gradually yielding, day by day, to thepressure Cleo was putting on him to improve his diet. Not that it made him feel any different. Just as he reached into the bag, his phone rang.
    It was Bill Warner, who was now in charge of Gatwick Airport CID.
    They were old enough friends to be able to dispense with pleasantries and the Gatwick DI cut straight to the chase.
    ‘Roy, there’s a woman you have an alert out on, Abby Dawson, also known as Katherine Jennings?’
    ‘We’re pretty sure she’s just checked in on an easyJet flight to Nice which leaves at 3.45. We’ve checked her image on our CCTV and it matches the photographs you’ve circulated.’
    They were photographs that had been pulled off the Interview Suite CCTV cameras. Strictly speaking, under the terms of the Data Protection Act, Grace should not have used them without her consent. But he didn’t care.
    ‘Brilliant!’ he said. ‘Absolutely bloody brilliant!’
    ‘What do you want us to do?’
    ‘Just have her tracked, Bill. It’s vital she doesn’t know she’s being followed. I want her to get on the flight, but I’m going to need some officers there with her – and some support in Nice. Can you find out if the flight’s full – and if we could get two officers on? If they’re full, maybe you could persuade them to bump a couple of
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