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Convicted (Consequences)

Convicted (Consequences)

Titel: Convicted (Consequences)
Autoren: Aleatha Romig
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recounted horrific details of a life she never wanted or deserved, and she recollected the last time they met—almost three years ago.
    Claire had arranged their meeting. She wanted to discuss Meredith’s first book My Life As It Didn’t Appear . Claire desired to stop the publication.
    Momentarily, Meredith recalled Claire’s countenance—finally happy and obviously in love. While they ate lunch in Chicago, Claire opened up, talking about her change of heart, and confessing her pregnancy. It was a step of faith on Claire’s part. Her pregnancy hadn’t been publicly announced, yet during that luncheon, Claire entrusted her long-time friend with her special news. Undoubtedly, it could’ve been a great coup, but Meredith wouldn’t leak the news. She’d done that to her friend once before, and the repercussions of that deception would haunt Meredith forever.
    Unfortunately, the book was beyond Meredith’s influence; it was in the hands of a publisher with specific instructions. Claire offered any amount of money to hide the story—forever. She worried that someday her child would learn the truth behind her parents’ meeting, and Claire didn’t want that to happen.
    Meredith promised Claire she’d try—and she did.
    Then, less than a month later, Claire disappeared—the disclosure clause of their contract went into motion. Publication was imminent. Meredith’s efforts, along with a multitude of Rawlings’ attorneys, were unable to keep the book from being published. Upon publication, My Life As it Didn’t Appear entered the bestseller list and has broken records ever since.
    Meredith hoped that by continuing their story—telling the world the rest of their saga, maybe—just maybe—someday Nichol would understand.
    Emily’s voice brought Meredith back to present. “The answer is no , and if you release any information about Nichol, I’ll have you fined, and with my husband’s help—arrested.”
    “I’m not here to expose Nichol,” Meredith continued. “I’m here because I want to talk to Claire. The people at the Everwood facility said all visitors must be approved by you; therefore, I’m asking for your permission.”
    Emily sat taller. “Ms. Banks, I’m not sure what part of this conversation you’re not hearing or comprehending, but the answer is no .” Before Meredith could respond, Emily continued, “Besides, it wouldn’t do you any good. Claire can’t tell you her story—she can’t answer your questions.”
    “Then let me just talk with her.”
    “Don’t you understand? She can’t talk to anyone.”
    “The staff didn’t say visitors were restricted due to her condition. They said they’re restricted due to your insistence.”
    “Ms. Banks—so help me God—if I read about this in a news release, I’ll come after you myself. Do you understand?”
    Meredith nodded and replied, “I want to help Claire—I truly do. I want to expose the truth so the world will know what happened.”
    Emily continued, “I’m only telling you this because my sister considered you a friend. Some of the doctors call it a psychotic break brought on by physical and mental stress. Others have said it’s the result of multiple head injuries.” Shaking her head, she added, “Claire hasn’t spoken to anyone in over two years!”
    Meredith’s mind swirled. She’d read about the insanity plea. She knew the history and read about the incident. Truly, if anyone had reason to be insane, it was Claire, yet Meredith hadn’t considered the severity of the situation. “What do you mean?” She lowered her voice. “Claire can’t talk ?”
    “No—not exactly, she speaks. Sometimes she carries on conversations—just not with anyone present. She doesn’t know where she is or even that she has a child. Sometimes she’s a child—other times she’s with him . Honestly, out of context, it’s difficult to tell what she’s thinking at any given time.”
    “So, when Nichol just called you Momm—”
    Emily interrupted, “Nichol knows I’m her aunt, but sometimes, with Michael calling me Mom—she forgets.”
    “Maybe I could help? I could talk with Claire and help bring her back?”
    A tear slid down Emily’s cheek as she watched the children’s interaction. “If I thought there was a chance, I’d allow you access immediately, but honestly, if those of us who do visit can’t reach her—if Nichol couldn’t reach her”—Emily sat taller as her tone hardened—“No. Please don’t
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