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Cloud Magic

Cloud Magic

Titel: Cloud Magic
Autoren: Linda Chapman
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still loved him just like she loved all of the ponies.
    ‘I’m riding Misty,’ said Katie happily.
    ‘And I’m riding Tango,’ said Fran. She gave Erin a mean look. ‘Shame you’re just on slow, old Wilf, Erin. I bet you won’t get him to go faster than a trot!’
    Erin would usually have been starting to get upset by now – it hurt being teased like that by girls who used to be her friends – but she had so much else on her mind that she suddenly found she couldn’t be bothered to be upset by Fran and Katie. If they only knew what had been happening to her, they would be so jealous!

    ‘Never mind. I like Wilf,’ she said, shrugging and taking Wilf’s head collar from the hook. ‘See you later.’
    Erin had been riding at Hawthorn Stables for five years. Now that she was eleven, she helped out with the ponies at the weekends and in the holidays. There were quite a few girls who did and Jackie, who owned the stables, always tried to make sure they had some free rides in return for all their work. That day, because it was the half-term holiday, Jackie had arranged a beach ride for all the helpers. It was great fun and Erin had a lovely time riding Wilf. Being on the beach seemed to give him a new burst of energy. He galloped along the sands with all the other ponies, and afterwards tossed his head and snorted as they rode back. She had the feeling he had really enjoyed himself, and she had too. She’d noticed that both Fran and Katie had been struggling to control Tango and Misty, who were younger and livelier and who seemed to want to shy and jog all the way there and back. Erin patted Wilf, feeling very happy. She wondered if Chloe liked horses. Maybe they could go riding together if she did. That would be so much fun!
    Excitement prickled through Erin as she thought about the afternoon. She really hoped they would find this place with the black weathervane, and find Tor. She wondered what he would look like. And what would he want her to do if she did find him? It felt so important to her already that she could use her new magic powers to help him.
    I’ll free him , she thought. I’ll help him get back to the sky .
    At two o’clock, Erin raced along the path that led to the beach, jumping over the puddles on the way. As she turned the corner on to the cliff top, she saw Chloe just ahead of her. ‘Chloe!’ she shouted. ‘Wait!’
    Chloe swung round. For a moment Erin felt shy. The other girl looked so different in her everyday clothes – green shorts and a T-shirt – would she still be as friendly as she had been the night before?
    She needn’t have worried. Chloe ran to meet her, her hazel eyes shining. ‘Hi, Erin! I was so excited after we met last night! It’s brilliant that you’re a stardust spirit too and we can be friends, isn’t it?’
    Erin nodded eagerly. ‘Oh yes.’
    ‘So you were riding this morning?’ Chloe went on. ‘Where do you go? I love ponies! I used to ride every week and help out at the stables I went to. Mum has promised she’ll find another riding stables near here for me now we’ve moved.’

    ‘You should come to the stables I go to,’ said Erin. ‘It’s called Hawthorn Stables and it’s only ten minutes away. Jackie, who owns it, is really nice and the ponies are lovely.’
    ‘Brilliant! I’ll ask Mum!’ said Chloe. She lowered her voice. ‘So, has Tor spoken to you again?’
    Erin shook her head.
    ‘What did he say exactly when he spoke to you yesterday?’ Chloe asked.
    ‘That I would find him near the rocks at World’s End and that I should look for a black weathervane that looked like a rearing horse.’
    Chloe glanced around. ‘Well, I guess we should get looking. Why don’t we start with that house? That’s the closest to World’s End.’ She pointed to the nearest house on the cliff top, an old grey stone farmhouse nestling in some fields with a small wood behind it.
    ‘My gran used to own that house,’ said Erin. ‘It’s called Lookout Point. It’s had quite a few people living in it since my gran died. Someone new has just moved in. I’ve seen two horses in the fields by it, but I don’t think it’s got a black weathervane.’
    ‘We should probably check it out just in case,’ said Chloe. ‘Come on!’
    They headed towards the house. As they walked, they chatted about ponies and their families. They didn’t stop until they reached the fields around Lookout Point. There were two horses there, a bay and a
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