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Cloud Magic

Cloud Magic

Titel: Cloud Magic
Autoren: Linda Chapman
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Marianne, then he would not have been able to do that. He said he will tell you what to do tomorrow.’
    ‘I can’t believe you’re going to get to work with Tor to control the weather,’ Chloe said. ‘That’s so cool!’ She shook her head wonderingly. ‘It really has been an amazing few days, hasn’t it?’
    It had. Erin realized that just a week ago she hadn’t heard of stardust, hadn’t known about weather weavers, had had no idea there were horses in the skies and absolutely no idea she could do magic. So much had happened – good bits, bad bits, and two of the best bits, she realized, had been making friends with Chloe and the strong bond she now felt with Tor, a weather-weaving bond that linked her and the stallion across the wide, dark night.
    ‘You really were brilliant this evening, Erin,’ Chloe said. ‘Xanthe’s right. It would have been great if we could have got Tor back to the clouds, but the most important thing is that he’s free and Marianne can’t hurt him any more with that horrible rope.’
    Erin nodded slowly. ‘And we will set Mistral free too. We’re not going to let Marianne beat us.’
    ‘No way!’ declared Chloe.
    Their eyes met and Erin felt a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the chocolate she was drinking. ‘Definitely no way,’ she said, lifting her chin with a smile.
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