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City of the Dead

City of the Dead

Titel: City of the Dead
Autoren: Anton Gill
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certain meaning. Another idea which constantly slipped around the next corner ahead of you. What had made him like this? Should he ask her to exchange vows when he still had such doubts? She was expecting him to.
    He looked at her eyes, caught in the sunlight. Ra in his splendour visiting even this little corner of his world. From the harbour, they could hear a band, and cheering. The festivities were in their last day. The royal barge would soon be leaving with its escort for the new god-king’s state visit to the Northern Capital.
    ‘Will Kheperkheprure Ay be the father of a dynasty of peace?’ said Senseneb. Her voice showed her concern at the silence between them.
    ‘I do not know,’ said Huy.
    They stood together, foreheads touching, their hands on each others’ shoulders, neither caring, after all, about Ay’s reign, or Horemheb’s victories, or anything else at all, in the world or in the future, except their own destiny.
    Huy drew in his breath to ask her the question.


    Anton Gill was born in Essex, and spent part of his early life in Bamberg, Franconia. He was educated at Chigwell School and Clare College, Cambridge, and later worked for the English Stage Company, the Arts Council, the BBC and TV-AM. City of the Dead is his third novel.
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