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Carpathian 16 - Dark Demon

Carpathian 16 - Dark Demon

Titel: Carpathian 16 - Dark Demon
Autoren: authors_sort
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(verb) minan —mine
    minden —every, all (adj.).
    möért? —what for? (exclamation)
    molo —to crush; to break into bits
    molanâ —to crumble; to fall apart

    mozdul —to begin to move, to enter into movement
    nä —for ŋamaŋ—this; this one here
    nélkül —without
    nenä —anger
    no —like; in the same way as; as
    numa —god; sky; top; upper part; highest (related to the English word: "numinous") nyelv —tongue
    nyál —saliva; spit (noun), (related to nyelv : "tongue") odam —dream; sleep (verb)
    oma —old; ancient
    omboće —other; second (adj.)
    o —the (used before a noun beginning with a consonant) ot —the (used before a noun beginning with a vowel)
    otti —to look; to sec; to find
    owe —door
    pajna —to press
    pälä —half; side päläfertiil—mate or wife
    pél —to be afraid; to be scared of
    pesä —nest (literal); protection (figurative)
    pide —above
    pirä —circle; ring (noun). To surround; to enclose (verb).
    pitä —keep, hold
    piwtä —to follow; to follow the track of game
    pukta —to drive away; to persecute; to put to flight

    pusm —to be restored to health
    pus —healthy; healing
    puwe —tree; wood
    reka —ecstasy; trance
    rituaali —ritual
    saye —to arrive; to come; to reach
    salama —lightning; lightning bolt
    sarna —words; speech; magic incantation (noun). To chant; to sing; to celebrate (verb) śaro —frozen snow
    siel —soul
    sisar —sister
    sív —heart
    sívdobbanás —heartbeat
    soŋe —to enter; to penetrate; to compensate; to replace susu —home; birthplace (noun), at home (adv.)
    szabadon —freely
    szelem —ghost
    tappa —to dance; to stamp with the feet (verb)
    te —you
    ted —yours
    toja —to bend; to bow; to break
    toro —to fight; to quarrel
    tule —to meet; to come
    türe —full, satiated, accomplished

    tyvi —stem; base; trunk
    uskol —faithful
    uskolfertiil —allegiance
    veri —blood
    vigyáz —to care for; to take care of
    vii —last; at last; finally
    wäke —power
    wara —bird; crow
    weńća —complete; whole
    wete —water
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