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An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal

An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal

Titel: An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal
Autoren: Ally Blue
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    Things weren’t perfect. Janine and Bo still fought sometimes, and she and Sam still irritated each other, but they were trying, and doing quite well for the most part. The new atmosphere of cooperation had been good for all of them, particularly the boys. Adrian smiled far more often than he scowled these days, and Sean’s tendency toward hyperactivity had evened out.
    If only they could banish the lingering reminders of that night in November. Sean was still terrified of being alone, and both children still suffered nightmares. At least Adrian had gained an impressive amount of control over his abilities, thanks to a lot of 178
An Inner Darkness
hard work and a level of determination Sam had never seen before in an adult, let alone an eleven-year-old.
    A small hand tapping his shoulder brought Sam out of his thoughts. He glanced around, surprised to see everyone piling food onto their plates. He blinked at Sean.
    “Sorry, Sean, what did you say?”
“I said, would you please hand me a roll?”
“Sure.” Reluctantly letting go of Bo’s hand, Sam picked up the basket of rolls and passed it to Sean. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Sean snatched two and set them on top of his pile of turkey and dressing.
“Dad makes really good rolls.”
Sam laughed. “Yes, he does.”
    Bo nudged him with his shoulder. “Pass the green bean casserole, please.” For the next few minutes, Sam was kept busy filling his plate and passing bowls and platters around the table. The sounds of animated conversation and utensils clanking against plates nearly drowned out the soft Christmas music playing on the stereo in the living room.

    Sam’s Christmases growing up had never been like this—noisy, lively, messy. He loved it. If he got his way, the stiff, stifling Christmases of his youth would become a distant memory, replaced with more holidays like this one.

    “Hey, Adrian.” Sam smiled at the boy sitting across the table from him. “Would you pass me the salt, please?”

    Picking up the salt shaker, Adrian held it across the table. Sam reached for it. His fingers were still a couple of inches away when the snowmanshaped container left Adrian’s hand and floated into Sam’s.
    Floated. Without either of them touching it.
Oh, my God.
Eyes wide, Sam stared at Adrian. “Um. Thanks.”
Adrian grinned, dark eyes twinkling, and Sam couldn’t help grinning back.
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Ally Blue
It looked like life was about to get interesting.
Like things haven’t been “interesting”enough the past year, he mused, sprinkling salt on his mashed potatoes.
One thing was certain. Life with Bo and his kids would never be boring. Sam snickered.
“What are you laughing at?” Bo asked, giving Sam’s thigh a squeeze under the table.
“Huh? Oh, nothing.” Sam met Bo’s narrow-eyed glance with a bright smile. “Would you hand me the gravy?”
Reaching to his right, Bo picked up the gravy bowl and set it in front of Sam’s plate.
    Sam spooned gravy onto his potatoes, pretending not to see the curious looks Bo kept giving him. He could tell Bo about this latest development when they were alone. Right now, he wanted to relax and enjoy the festive family atmosphere.
    The way he figured it, he’d earned this moment of peace. They all had.
With a wink at Adrian, Sam picked up his fork and dug in.
About the Author
    Ally Blue used to be a good girl. Really. Married for twenty years, two lovely children, house, dogs, picket fence, the whole deal. Then one day she discovered slash fan fiction. She wrote her first fan fiction story a couple of months later and has since slid merrily into the abyss. She has had several short stories published in the erotic e-zine Ruthie’s Club, and is a regular contributor to the original slash e-zine Forbidden Fruit.
    To learn mo re about Ally Blue, please visit http://www.allyblue.com . Send an email
to Ally at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Ally! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/loveisblue/ . Look for these titles by Ally Blue
Willow Bend
Love’s Evolution
Oleander House: BCPI Book 1
Eros Rising
What Hides Inside: BCPI Book 2
Catching a Buzz
Twilight: BCPI Book 3
Untamed Heart
Closer: BCPI Book 4
The Happy Onion
An Inner Darkness: BCPI Book 5
Coming Soon:
Where the Heart Is
Marked as prey, Alec refuses to fall for a werewolf.
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