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Without Reservations

Without Reservations

Titel: Without Reservations
Autoren: J. L. Langley
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Chay was going to disregard rules he didn’t like, Keaton was in big trouble. He slid into the truck and put his seat belt on as Chay started the truck and backed out. “How does that work? You ignore rules you don’t like?”
    Those full sensual lips quirked. “Well yeah. I mean, it’s worked so far.
    Annoys the crap out of my mom, but hey…”
    Keaton smiled. The man was something else. His good humor and carefree attitude was catching.
    “Speaking of my mother…”
    “…what are you doing tomorrow night?”
    Okay this could be a case of opening his mouth and inserting his foot, but he didn’t want to lie to Chay. If they were going to have any kind of a relationship it needed to be founded on honesty. And up until this point it had, brutal honesty actually. “Same thing I do every night. Finish up my lesson plans, grade any tests that need grading and then read or watch TV. So basically nothing. Why?” Dare I ask?
    “I’m having dinner with my folks tomorrow evening. I want you to go with me. Meet my parents.”
    He did a mental eye roll. He knew that was coming. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
    Chay nodded. “I think it’s a great idea.”
    Keaton snorted. “Yeah. Hey, Mom, Dad. This is Keaton. I know I’m straight, but he’s my mate. Don’t know what the hell I’m going to do about it yet, but deal with it.”
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    J.L. Langley
    “We really have to work on your pessimistic attitude, Bit. You are definitely a ‘glass half-empty’ kind of guy.” Chay laughed. “I will introduce you as my friend.”
    “Well…okay, I guess.” Yup, it had definitely been an open-mouth, insert-foot situation. What the hell had he agreed to?
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    Without Reservations

Chapter Four
    When Bit walked down the stairs of his apartment the next evening headed for Chay’s truck, the first thing that popped into Chay’s head was mine . The second was damn the man is a looker . Which no longer creeped Chay out. Sometime yesterday, Bit being a guy ceased being an issue for him. After spending the evening with Keaton and getting to know him, and seeing him “ooh” and “ahh” over those puppies…no way in hell was Chay going anywhere. Bit was his and the man was going to have to deal with it. Aside from the penis, Bit was everything he’d ever wanted in a mate. Chay genuinely liked the younger man, was intrigued by him.
    Although, he had to admit, the instinctual physical pull of a mate was still present, it wasn’t the main reason he was sticking around.
    Chay grinned as Bit slid into the truck and shut the door.
    Keaton wore a pair of khaki pants and a blue pullover shirt, and damn he smelled good. Chay’s cock perked right up at the scent.
    Actually, his prick had started getting hard from the thought of seeing Keaton again. He should probably be embarrassed, knowing Keaton could smell his arousal, but he wasn’t. It was fate. For some reason or another he’d been given a male mate and he was going to enjoy it. Who was he to question the powers that be? He was lucky, some wolves never found their mates.
    “Hey, Bit. How was your day?”
    Keaton chuckled and shook his head. “I can see I’m going to have to find an equally annoying nickname for you, aren’t I?”
    “Why do you say that?”
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    “Because you insist on calling me Bit. And my day was good, thank you. How was yours?” Keaton looked Chay over from head to toe, then grabbed his seat belt and put it on.
    Chay glanced down and noticed a distinct tenting in Bit’s slacks.
    Somehow it felt better knowing he wasn’t the only one affected. The fact that, for once, Bit wasn’t snarling at him, felt pretty damned excellent too. “It was fine. You’re in a good mood.”
    Keaton shrugged. “The thought of home-cooked food, I guess.”
    “Hmm, the thought of my mother’s potato salad gives you wood?”
    Bit’s eyes widened comically, the heart-shaped lips parted slightly, then he burst into laughter. And boy, those sky blue eyes crinkling at the edges and sparkling with humor was a pretty sight. “Well, I’m not the only one.” Bit glanced down at Chay’s lap. “Apparently, it’s some damned good potato salad.”
    Chay laughed. This was fun. Bit was a pleasure to be around when he wasn’t grumbling about not getting involved with a “straight man”.
    “Oh God. I hope like hell we don’t have it tonight. I
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