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With Caution

With Caution

Titel: With Caution
Autoren: J. L. Langley
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through the fabric. It made Jake’s fingers itch to touch.
    He’d love to pinch those nipples and watch Remi squirm and beg for him. Remi’s chest would ripple and glisten with sweat and— Jake shook himself. Remi was straight. He might never truly be Jake’s mate, much less submit to Jake’s more dominant tendencies.
    Sterling shrugged, drawing Jake’s attention. “Okay, fine, I’m nosy.” Sterling put the helmet on. “I want to know because I like Keaton. I don’t care what Dirk sa—”
    Remi revved the engine.
    Interesting. Jake wondered what that was about.
    “I’ll give you a call later.” Tilting the bike, Remi raised the kickstand with his foot.
    He wasn’t wearing a helmet.
    Sterling looped his arms around Remi’s waist. “Bye, Jake.”
    “Wait.” Jake gripped Remi’s arm. There was no way in hell he was going to let his mate go without a helmet. Werewolf or not a head injury could kill anyone. Wolves may heal faster than humans, but dead was dead.
    Fuck. Remi’s scent changed as soon as Jake touched him. It grew heavier—
    aroused—and it went straight to Jake’s cock.
    Remi’s dark eyebrows pulled together. The green bled out into the whites of his eyes and his warm arm flexed under Jake’s hand. “What’s up?”
    Clearing his throat, Jake released Remi’s arm. “Where’s your helmet?” Jake handed Remi his shades and glanced at Sterling from the corner of his eyes.
    Swallowing so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed, Remi blinked and put the glasses on.
    He hitched his thumb over his shoulder. “I was in a hurry and forgot his helmet. So he’s wearing mine.”
    Jake had to proceed with caution. Demanding that Remi be safe would likely piss the man off. “Why don’t you let me take Sterling and follow you to your place? That way you don’t have to ride without a helmet.”

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    J.L. Langley
    Remi shook his head. “I—”
    “Come on, Sterling. I’ll tell you more about the PI business on the way.” Jake offered the kid a hand. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.
    Predictably, Sterling grinned and unbuckled his helmet. “Cool. You wanna hang out with us today? Hey, Remi, can we go toss a ball around?”
    Remi turned his head. “Sterling…”
    Throwing his leg over the bike, Sterling hopped off and handed his helmet to Remi.
    Sighing, Remi took it. “Jake, are you sure this is no trouble? I mean, if you have work to do or something—”
    “No trouble at all.” Jake smiled. It was probably a little underhanded, but he’d just figured out the key to his mate, and he was sure as shit going to use it. He gazed at Sterling, who was bouncing up and down on his toes impatiently. If including Sterling meant getting closer to Remi…so be it. Thankfully, Jake liked the kid, therefore it wasn’t as much using him as it was looking after him too. From what little Jake had heard of Remi and Sterling’s conversation before he dragged Remi outside earlier, the kid needed all the protection and support he could get.
    Clasping his hand on Sterling’s shoulder, Jake led him toward his Chevy. “Toss a ball around?”
    “Yeah, football. I want to try out for the junior varsity team next year.”
    Remi pulled up beside them, wearing his helmet, and pointed a finger at Sterling.
    “Behave.” He waved at Jake. “See you at my apartment.”
    Oh yes, this was going to work well. Jake nodded and punched the button on his key ring to unlock his black Tahoe.
    Sterling climbed in and buckled his seat belt.
    When Jake opened his own door and slid in, Sterling watched him, cocking his head.
    He remained quiet as Jake started the engine and backed out of the parking space. That probably wasn’t a good sign, considering how much the kid talked. “What’s up? You’re awfully quiet all of a sudden. I thought you were curious about my work?”
    “Who were you protecting Keaton from?”

    With Caution
    A deranged werewolf. “You’ll have to ask Keaton that. Client confidentiality and all.”
    “I don’t see Keaton very often. Remi doesn’t take me to Chay’s with him very much anymore.”
    “Why not?”
    Sterling blinked. “Dirk, uh, I mean our dad—” He turned away.
    Jake wanted to ask why Sterling called his dad Dirk, but he was anxious to hear more about Remi’s father, and why the man didn’t like Keaton. “Your dad what?”
    “Are you gay?”
    “Excuse me?” Jake hit the brakes a little harder than normal,
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