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With Caution

With Caution

Titel: With Caution
Autoren: J. L. Langley
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his voice. Snapping at Sterling wasn’t something he did often, but he was scared. If anything happened to— No, he wasn’t going to think that way.
    “I am. I’m going now, but, Remi, what if—”
    Wait a minute. Did that say—? Remi pulled the phone off his shoulder and glanced at the caller ID again. Sterling was on his cell phone. If the bastard caught Sterling with a cell phone, he’d kick both their asses. Dirk had forbidden Remi from buying Sterling a phone, saying the kid didn’t need it. What a joke that was. Sterling did need it. Without it, how could he call Remi when he was in trouble? He damn sure couldn’t use the house phone to do it. Which was the exact reason Remi had bought it and told Sterling to hide it. And sadly, he’d used the phone several times already.
    Remi placed the phone on his shoulder and looked around for his boots, spotting them at the end of the bed. Socks. He needed socks. “I’m not going to go over this with you again. She doesn’t want my help. I’ve tried to help her over and over. You can’t help someone who doesn’t help themselves.” Fuck the socks. Sitting on the edge of the bed, www.samhainpublishing.com 7
    J.L. Langley
    Remi snagged his boots and forced his bare foot into one. He laced it and got the other.
    Oh God, Sterling didn’t — “You didn’t try to break them up, did you? Did he hit you?”
    “No. I hate it when he yells. I went out my window and around back.”
    Remi laced the second boot and stood, securing the phone with his hand. “Good.
    Don’t you ever try to break them apart.” Keys, keys, keys, where the hell were his keys?
    Geez, his room was a mess. Ah, kitchen. He’d left them in the kitchen when he came home from the fire station last night.
    “I won’t. Hurry, Remi.” Sterling’s voice hitched like he was crying.
    I’m hurrying. Grabbing his keys and helmet off the counter with one hand, Remi squeezed the phone between his shoulder and ear to close and lock the door. He brought his hand back to the phone and jogged down the apartment stairs to his bike.
    He hated to get off the phone, but he had no choice. “I’m hanging up now. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”
    “’Kay. See you then. I’m walking.”
    “Good, see you in a few.” Remi flipped his phone shut and stuffed it into his pocket.
    Starting the motorcycle, he put his helmet on. His hands were shaking so bad he could barely fasten it, but he managed. He had to get to Sterling. If the asshole happened to leave the house and see him walking— Remi’s throat constricted, making it hard to breathe. No, no, it was cool, Mom would cover for Sterling and say she’d given him permission to spend the weekend with Remi, she always did. But if the old man caught Sterling walking and realized he hadn’t been picked up earlier— “Fuck.”
    Remi backed his bike out of the parking spot under the awning and took off toward the rez.

    * * *

    Sterling got off the bike, unfastened the helmet and took it from his head, leaving his short black hair sticking up on top.
    Remi brushed the spiky strands down.

    With Caution
    Sterling was getting tall, almost as tall as Remi now. The kid was growing up and becoming quite handsome too. He had the dark coloring from their Apache father, with his dark skin, hair and eyes. From their white mother, he’d inherited softer facial features and a straight, narrow nose that turned up slightly at the end. His face was less angular than most Apaches, even though he’d inherited their father’s high cheekbones. No doubt about it, he’d have women falling all over him in a couple years, if he didn’t already.
    “Thank you.” Sterling’s lip trembled faintly, then he took a deep breath and handed Remi the helmet. Raking his fingers through his hair, he composed himself.
    “You don’t have to thank me. That’s what I’m here for.” Taking the helmet, Remi fastened the strap before hanging it on the handlebar. He’d completely forgotten to grab both helmets in his rush to get to his brother. Thankfully, the helmet law was only for those under eighteen. Stupid in his opinion—everyone should wear a helmet—but he’d had no choice but to go helmet-less.
    Sliding his arm around his little brother’s shoulders, Remi ushered him toward the restaurant. He squeezed Sterling’s neck with the crook of his arm, bringing their heads together. His heart was still pounding, like it did every time
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