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With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4

With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4

Titel: With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4
Autoren: J.L. Langley
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spoke. “It’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on. Tell me why you kidnapped me. You know
    I’d have helped you if you’d just talked to me. Talk to me now and let me help.”
    Jordan looked up at him with red eyes. The corner of his lip lifted slightly, but he didn’t actually
    smile. He put his hand on top of Matt’s, but Matt was intently aware of the revolver clutched in Jordan’s other fist. Was Jordan going to turn the gun on him now?
    Matt’s hand grew sweaty beneath Jordan’s, but he kept his voice low and hopefully sympathetic. “I’m
    guessing this has to do with Aubrey, but I don’t see how it involves me.”
    “God. You’re just too good to be true. I’ve held a gun on you, abducted you, and you’re still trying to help me. That bastard doesn’t deserve you.” He turned to face Matt. Resting the gun in his lap, he grabbed Matt’s hands and caressed the tops of them with his thumbs. “You should be with someone who is proud of you. Someone who isn’t afraid to let the world know you belong to him.” The scent of his anxiety lessened.
    Matt shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
    “Don’t you? I know he’s your mate, Matt. I saw the text your brother sent.” Jordan squeezed Matt’s
    Oh crap. Matt swallowed down the lump that had risen in his throat. “I wondered if you saw that.”
    Jordan continued as if Matt hadn’t spoken. “Reynolds killed my mate.”
    A chill swept through Matt and he gasped. His fear spiked. Was Jordan’s mate the man Aubrey killed
    to protect Keaton? It had to be. Aubrey didn’t just go around murdering people. “You want vengeance.”
    “No!” Jordan’s shoulders slumped and he glanced down. “Yes. I did, but now I don’t know.” Tears
    filled his eyes. He set the gun on the table, tugged on Matt’s hands and pulled Matt into his lap.
    Matt didn’t know what to do. Should he struggle? What would help him get out of this alive? He
    didn’t want to piss Jordan off, but he didn’t want to encourage unwanted attention either. He sank onto Jordan’s lap and let the other man hug him, but he didn’t hug back. He had to make Jordan see Aubrey like he really was, and not the monster Jordan’s mind had turned him into. “Your mate tried to kill his brother.
    Aubrey would never kill someone unless there was no other way. You have to trust me on this. He’s a good man.”
    “No, he isn’t. I’ve been watching him for several months. I befriended you to get close to Reynolds. I
    knew the minute you moved in with him. When I saw you at school, I saw a chance to get more info on

    J.L. Langley
    Reynolds. I didn’t know you were his mate at the time. When I found out you were his mate, I was given
    the perfect opportunity to make him suffer like I’ve suffered.”
    “All along you’ve planned on killing me.” A piercing pain settled in Matt’s chest and his whole body
    quivered uncontrollably. “So why haven’t you?” He took a deep breath, trying to hold it together.
    Jordan touched his cheek. “Because I can’t. I’ve never met anyone like you.” He nudged Matt out of
    his lap, stood and turned his back. “Jonathon was an ass. I admit that now, but Reynolds is just like him, Matt.”
    Matt reached for the gun.
    “Run away with me.” Jordan dragged his hands through his hair.
    Matt’s hand froze over the gun.
    “Forget about him and come with me. He’ll never commit to you. He’s just like Jonathon. Jonathon
    never wanted me. I don’t think he ever felt anything for me but our mating bond. He never intended to
    claim me. Furthering his career and amassing money was all he cared about. Trust me when I tell you all you will get from Reynolds is heartache.”
    Dropping his hand, Matt stood. His heart ached for Jordan. Not only had he lost his mate, but his mate
    rejected him. Aubrey wasn’t like that. He had his faults, but he wasn’t cold. If anything it was just the opposite, he cared too much. He didn’t care about the money, unless it affected the people he loved. Matt touched Jordan’s shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll help you. I can’t just leave, Aubrey and my family—”
    “It will be hard and it hurts physically not to have your mate, but you can get over it.” Jordan’s voice wavered a bit. “I’ll help you… We’ll help each other.”
    “I can’t leave, but I won’t let them punish you. I’ll tell everyone I came with you willingly. I can still help you
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