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Where Nerves End

Where Nerves End

Titel: Where Nerves End
Autoren: L. A. Witt
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so close, so damned close, had to be quiet, so close, don’t make a sound, don’t make a sound, oh, God, Michael…
The darkness behind my eyelids turned white, and the dam broke. As my orgasm took over, I dropped my palm to the bed, grabbing a handful of sheets, and didnt even have to worry about making a sound because all that pent up ecstasy escaped my lips in a single near-silent rush of breath.
As my vision cleared and my spine sank back to the bed, Michael moved over the top of me. He kissed me, his mouth salty with my semen, and I gripped his hair and the back of his neck as I kissed him harder. I wanted more. Needed more. It didnt matter that I was still coming down from an orgasm, I was so turned on I couldnt breathe.
Fuck me, please, fuck me, my mind screamed as I ran shaking hands through Michaels hair. Now, please…
I finally found enough breath to speak, but, “Condom,” was all I could say. Michael got the message, though. As soon as the word was off my lips, he shuddered, groaning as he pressed his hard cock against my hip.
We sat up, but barely stopped making out, breaking away only when we absolutely had to. Somehow—Ill never know how—we got our hands on the condom and lube and managed to put them into place. I smoothed lube on to the condom, squeezing and releasing his cock just enough to make his breath catch, until he grabbed my wrist and stopped my hand mid-stroke.
“I cant wait,” he whispered, his lips barely leaving mine.
“Neither can I.” I kissed him. “Do you want me to—”
“Just like this.” He leaned into me, kissing me again, and used his weight to nudge me on to my back again.
My shoulder blades had barely touched the sheets before he broke the kiss and sat up. He ran his fingertips down the inside of my thigh as I spread my legs, and his brow furrowed as he guided his cock to me. The coolness of the condom made my breath catch, as did the heat of his body, and I released my breath as he pressed in.
My eyes rolled back. Jesus Christ, there was nothing more intense than taking Michaels cock so soon after an orgasm. All my nerves were on high alert now, hyperaware of everything from his lips brushing mine to his thick cock sliding deeper inside me.
Our eyes met. Immediately, my lips tingled with the absence of his, and I reached for him in the same moment he came down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, parting my lips for his tongue and trying like hell just to stay conscious as his hips eased into motion.
Groaning softly, Michael slid his arms under me and hooked his hands over my shoulders. His hips moved slowly, fluidly, pushing his cock into me and withdrawing without so much as a squeak from the bed beneath us. Our mouths moved together, our bodies moved together, and the silence demanded slowness, and the slowness made every motion, every touch, go on forever before the next moment of intense contact ignited the next nerve ending.
His lips left mine, and his fingers tightened on my shoulders as his head fell beside mine. A hot breath rushed past my neck, the air vibrating with a moan so quiet I only felt it, didnt hear it. Every muscle in his body—hell, every muscle in mine—quivered from what had to be both exertion and the restraint it took to keep going so, so slowly. The moans he released, warming my shoulder and the side of his neck, were made of equal parts frustration and ecstasy, like he was a “fuck it, I cant take it anymore” away from thrusting into me the way I wished he would. At the same time, he sounded as delirious as I was from this slow-motion sensory overload.
A shudder pushed him deeper. Another arched his back. Then he lifted himself up on his arms. He threw his head back, his eyebrows pulling together and his mouth opening in a soundless, breathless cry as he shuddered, pushed his cock deep inside me, and came.
His elbows buckled, and the bed creaked softly as he slumped over me. Wrapping my arms around him, I closed my eyes and caught my breath as he caught his.
After a while, Michael went into the bathroom to get rid of the condom. We both cleaned ourselves up, then carefully eased back into bed like any creak of the mattress or bed frame would announce to the whole neighborhood that, for the second time, we werent just roommates anymore.
Lying there together, a sheet draped over us and hands gently drifting over skin that was still hot, we just looked at each other, the air between us electrified with a million things
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