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Werewolves of Forever 06 - Wild Lust

Werewolves of Forever 06 - Wild Lust

Titel: Werewolves of Forever 06 - Wild Lust
Autoren: authors_sort
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Dropping her gaze to his fully erect cock, she passed one finger over the oozing tip. His cock jerked and pointed straight at her. Crushing his mouth to hers, he groaned and clutched a handful of her hair.

Chapter Three
    Reese stepped out of his jeans as he gripped her T-shirt and tore it away. She cried out, the sound muffled by his mouth on hers. He tugged on her lower lip and drove his fingers under the waist of her jeans. She grabbed his hands, stopping him from tearing her jeans away as he’d done her shirt. They stared at each other, each letting their eyes and the emotions playing over their faces tell the other what they were thinking. She swallowed, and he ached to kiss her smooth skin as her throat moved up and down, to soothe her, to tell her everything would be all right. To tell her that she was his.
    All at once, she moved, her hands going over the backs of his. Their hands fumbled together to rid her of her jeans. At last her zipper was down, and together they pushed her jeans to her ankles.
    As though needing to acknowledge what was about to happen, she let her gaze slide first over his nude body then down her own. She bit her lower lip, teasing him with the slight gesture. But he’d been patient long enough. He devoured her mouth again.
    Picking her up without breaking the kiss, he bit first her upper lip then her tempting bottom lip. He carried her to the bed and fell on top of her. He kept his weight from crushing her, but she didn’t seem to care as she dug her fingernails into his arms and pulled him closer.
    He swirled his tongue inside her mouth, savoring her delicious flavors. She tasted like berries and sugar, tangy yet sweet. He caressed her cheek even as his kiss took her mouth roughly, and she kissed him back with equal fervor. Skimming his hands over her body, he sought to remember her by touch, by scent, and by the connection buzzing out of him then into her only to return with added energy.
    They broke apart, each of them dragging in much-needed air, their gazes glued to each other. They stayed that way, his body on top of hers, their eyes locked, his heart pounding against her chest to feel the beat of her heart answering his.
    In that one life-changing moment, she became his everything.
    He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think past getting her bra and panties off. If he didn’t get rid of every thin piece of material separating them, he’d go crazy. The wolf inside growled, urging him to make her his. Her bra and panties were gone in a quick rip and tear. She lay underneath him, her breaths coming in gasps that matched his own.
    For a moment, he feared she’d still tell him to get off her. Her eyes sparkled, and he wasn’t sure if the sparkle came from excitement or from tears just under the surface. Yet when she grabbed his hair as he’d done hers and yanked his mouth to hers, he knew she wanted him as much as he needed her, and he almost laughed with joy.
    Cupping her breast, he nuzzled her neck, nipping at the soft flesh, the flesh he longed to sink his fangs into. His inner wolf howled at him again and again, daring him to claim her, pushing him to do what it wanted him to do. Somehow, unbelievably, he resisted the call of his animal’s wild lust.
    She laid her hand on top of his, urging him to fondle her breast. He traveled his tongue along her shoulder then over the hollow of her neck before taking her pebbled nipple into his mouth. He pressed his tongue against her nipple and felt the rigid texture against his tongue. How could something so soft be so hard at the same time?
    His cock pressed against her thigh, and she moved her leg back and forth, pushing against his hardness, wetting her skin with his pre-cum.
    He heard the ache, the plea as she said his name, and he pushed his hand lower. Moving between her legs, he glided his fingers over her smooth mons then dipped a finger between her folds. Her moist heat captured his finger, giving him a preview of how good his cock would feel inside her pussy. She was tight around even one finger, her walls closing around him and holding him. He couldn’t wait until his cock was inside her, the tight muscles ensnaring him in a love vise he’d never want to escape.
    She kept her legs down but spread them farther apart. He slipped his finger in deeper and almost came as she shuddered with her first climax. She was so responsive, so eager. How much more responsive would she be once Blane joined them?
    He could see
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