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Web Design Bibliography

Web Design Bibliography

Titel: Web Design Bibliography
Autoren: Safari Books Online Content Team
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and transparency — without the need for images. In addition, David shows how to choose the right CSS selector, knowledge that you’ll find indispensible not only for creating style rules, but also for working with jQuery. The course takes you through the process of adapting for mobile phones and tablets a website that was originally designed for desktop computers. You’ll learn how to use CSS media queries to apply different styles depending on screen width, viewing the changes in real time in the Live view. The course concludes with an introduction to jQuery and demonstrates how to enhance online forms with the help of Dreamweaver CS5.5’s built-in code hints for jQuery. This product includes over seven hours of exceptional quality video tutorials and lesson files.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/YPX7Cm )
    Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CS6
    By Mike Wooldridge, Brianna Stuart
    Visual, June 2012
    ISBN: 9781118233214
    352 pages, $29.99

    Photoshop is constantly evolving, and the newest version offers great new tools for photographers. This popular guide gets visual learners up to speed quickly; previous editions have sold more than 150,000 copies. With colorful screen shots illustrating the step-by-step instructions, this book is perfect for Photoshop newcomers and for visual learners who are upgrading from an earlier version. It covers setting up the software, importing images from the camera, using all the tools, creating an online gallery, and more.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/14zWUE3 )
    Safari Books Online provides full access to all of the resources in this bibliography. For a free trial, go to http://www.safaribooksonline.com/bibliography .

Chapter 6. Usability
    100 Things: Every Designer Needs to Know About People
    By Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.
    New Riders, April 2011
    ISBN: 9780132658638
    256 pages, $29.99

    This book explores both the foundational and the latest research in the psychology of the conscious mind and applies it to design. What grabs and holds attention on a page or screen? What is more important, peripheral vision or central vision? How much information is too much at one time? How do you motivate people to continue on to the next step? What line length should you use if you want people to read text on or offline? What about color? Imagery? Does font type really matter? These are just a few of the questions that the book answers. This book is not just a set of guidelines, but a deep dive into what makes people tick.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/10AxPZr )
    Prioritizing Web Usability
    By Jakob Nielsen, Hoa Loranger
    New Riders, April 2006
    ISBN: 0321350316
    432 pages, $36.09

    This is the guide for anyone who wants to take their Web site(s) to next level and make usability a priority! Through the authors’ wisdom, experience, and hundreds of real-world user tests and contemporary Web site critiques, you’ll learn about site design, user experience and usability testing. You will also learn navigation and search capabilities, old guidelines and prioritizing usability issues, page design and layout, content design, and more.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/14f3nVp )
    Designing Interfaces, Second Edition
    By Jenifer Tidwell
    O’Reilly Media, December 2010
    ISBN: 9781449379704
    576 pages, $44.95

    Despite all of the UI toolkits available today, it’s still not easy to design good application interfaces. This bestselling book is one of the few reliable sources to help you navigate through the maze of design options. By capturing UI best practices and reusable ideas as design patterns, Designing Interfaces provides solutions to common design problems that you can tailor to the situation at hand. This updated edition includes patterns for mobile apps and social media, as well as web applications and desktop software. Each pattern contains full-color examples and practical design advice that you can use immediately. Experienced designers can use this guide as a sourcebook of ideas; novices will find a roadmap to the world of interface and interaction design.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/14f4Hrh )
    Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design
    By William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler
    Rockport Publishers, January 2010
    ISBN: 9781592535873
    272 pages,
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