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Unnatural Selection

Titel: Unnatural Selection
Autoren: Mara Hvistendahl
Vom Netzwerk:
child to “open future,”
    Etzioni, Amitai
    Eugenic Protection Law
    Evans, V. Jeffrey

    â€œFace” in China
    Family planning
    abortion vs. contraception
    in China
    in India
    individual choice
    National Institute of Child Health and Human Development conferences
    programs from 1950s-1970s
    sex selection ethics ranked “high,”
    in South Korea
    â€œstopping rule,”
    See also Population control
    Family Planning (motion picture)
    Farnham, Eliza
    Female feticide
    Female genital mutilation (FGM)
    Female Infanticide Act
    neglected to stop sex selection in 1970s and 1980s
    toolkit for action on sex selective abortion
    voice in population control movement in 1970s
    See also Reproductive rights activists
    Fertility clinics
    Fertility Institutes
    Fertility rates
    among foreign brides in East Asia
    in current South Korea
    See also Demographics
    Fetal anatomy survey
    Films on cross-border marriages
    Films on sex ratio imbalance

    First Century After Beatrice, The (Maalouf)
    Food for Peace Act
    Ford Foundation
    in China
    population control in India
    role in fighting sex selection
    Foreign brides. See individual countries by name
    Foster daughters-in-law
    Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, declaration
    Franks, Trent
    Friedman, Jane M.
    Fuchs, Fritz

    Gandhi, Indira
    Gandhi, Sanjay
    Gender selection ads
    General Electric
    Generations Ahead
    Genetic counseling
    Genetics & IVF Institute
    George, Sabu
    Gesell, Gerhard
    Gilmartin, Christina
    Goldberg, Michelle
    Gore, Al
    Governmental action vs. male surplus/sex selection
    arrest of doctors in 1990s South Korea
    Care for Girls program in China
    focusing on doctors who practice sex selection
    government bans on sex selection
    Indian program to promote daughters
    Western study of issue
    what works
    Graham, Victoria
    Green Revolution
    Greenhalgh, Susan
    Gu, Baochang
    Guilmoto, Christophe
    calculating size of male surplus
    development and increased sex selection
    gender imbalance as transitional phase
    marriage in male majority society
    numbers affected by AIDS/sex selection
    sex ratio imbalance in Albania
    term “prenatal sex selection,”
    and UNFPA communication directives
    Guo, Jianmei
    Guttmacher, Alan
    Guttmacher Institute

    Handbook of Living Information for Foreign Spouses in Taiwan
    Hardin, Garrett
    Hauser, Philip
    Health and marriage
    Hegemon: China’s Plan to Dominate Asia (Mosher)
    Helper, Hinton
    Hesketh, Thérèse
    Hitler, Adolf
    HIV virus
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Hochai, China
    Holdren, John
    Holmes, Helen Bequaert
    Hong Kong
    Hong, Xiuquan
    Hooligan Sparrow
    Hospitals and clinics and sex selection
    Hudson, Valerie
    Hughes, Mark
    Hugo, Graeme
    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (United Kingdom)
    Human Life International
    Huntington Reproductive Center Fertility
    Hung, Peter

    Hwang, Woo-suk, and stem cell debacle
    Hypergamous marriage

    I Am Angry (Zhang)
    Immelt, Jeffrey
    Institut de recherche pour le développement
    In vitro fertilization technology See also Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
    abortion in
    affirmative action and Indian parliament
    campaigns to change attitudes towards daughters
    child marriage
    described in The Population Bomb
    due for marriage squeeze
    economic growth and sex selection
    family planning programs
    foreign/migrant/trafficked brides
    government discussion of sex selection
    medical prenatal screening
    sex determination banned
    sex ratio/fertility rates
    sex selection after initial daughters
    sex selection among wealthy
    women’s status raised by development
    See also Infanticide in India; Population control in India
    Infanticide in India
    result of hypergamous marriage
    under British rule
    International Institute for Population Sciences (Mumbai)
    International Labor Organization
    International Olympic Committee
    International Organization for Migration
    International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
    bringing sex determination to world
    and China
    funding sex selection research
    protests vs.
    and South Korea
    women taking positions in
    Intrauterine devices (IUD)
    Invisible nature of sex selection
    Ismaili, Flora

    Jeffery, Roger
    Jesudason, Sujatha
    João I, King
    Johnson, Lyndon B.

    Kane, Penny
    Kaur, Ravinder
    Kaye, John William
    Kemp-Kasten Amendment
    Kim, Doo-Sub
    Kim, Sohyun
    Kirk, Dudley
    Kissinger, Henry
    Klinger, Harold
    Korea Women’s Development
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