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Twisted Perfection

Twisted Perfection

Titel: Twisted Perfection
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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you’d hooked up with him but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to say anything in case I was wrong and ended up offending you. I’m guessing you didn’t know he was married.”
I felt dirty and wrong. I walked over and sat down on the stool across from him. “I had no idea. And now I feel awful. I wanted this road trip but now I just want to go home.”
    Tripp was the Thursday through Sunday bartender. He was tall, lanky, and had short brown hair. He also had a little bit of a privileged look about him. It was hard to explain but something about Tripp didn’t fit in here. He seemed as out of place as I felt. We had spent many late nights talking while shutting down the bar. I didn’t know much about Tripp but he’d become my friend here.
    “You said you wanted to see the world. To live,” he reminded me of my words.
    I shrugged. “Not so much anymore.”
    Tripp glanced back at the door and then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I tell you what. Don’t go home just yet. Give it some time to heal from this and then hit the road again. Spend some time in a small town and take things slow.”
    The way he explained it sounded nice but I wasn’t sure I was up for that either.
    “I’m going to call my cousin. He has some pull in the coastal town I grew up in. It’s small and it’s a really nice place. Nothing like Dallas. My cousin can hook you up with a job and you can decide when you’re ready to hit the road again. He has friends in high places.” Tripp winked.
    Before I could protest or come up with a reason why this was a bad idea Tripp was dialing his cousin’s number.
    “Hey, Jace.”
    “Yeah, I know it’s been awhile. Life gets crazy.”
    “No, you need to come to Dallas and tear yourself away from the girl your momma said you’re so wrapped up in you can’t see straight.”
    Tripp laughed and I could see the happiness in his eyes. He loved the cousin he was talking to and it looked like he might miss him too.
    “Listen. I need a favor. I got a friend. She’s had a hard go of things here and she needs somewhere to escape to.”
    “No, I know you got a girl. I’m not asking you to take her in, idiot. She can stay at my place there. Someone might as well get some use out of it. Just talk to Kerrington. Have him give her a job. She just needs some down time.”
    “Yeah. She is.”
    “I’m positive he’ll be pleased.”
    “Awesome. Thanks, man. I’ll call you back in a few. I’m gonna get her the info she needs and send her your way.”
    Tripp grinned as he slipped the phone back in his pocket. “It’s all set up. You’ll have a good paying job and you can stay in my condo there free of charge. I’ve been needing to send someone over to check on it. With you there you can take care of things. It will help me out. Then the best bonus, you’ll be living near one of the most beautiful beaches in the south. Go find yourself while in the sunshine, Della.”


    I paced back and forth in front of my desk. Every now and then I glanced down at the diamond ring sitting in the center of it. I knew what it meant. I also knew I wanted to throw it as far out into the damn ocean as I could. This was my dad’s not so subtle hint.
    I’d gone to him yesterday to ask him when I would get to move on from management to take my place as a vice president of Kerrington Country Clubs. This was his answer. I had to marry Angelina.
    Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
    I didn’t want to marry her. She would make me miserable. I’d finally given in last month and had sex with her again. She’d shown up at my house in nothing but a tiny red nightie, dropped to her knees, and sucked my dick. Between getting my cock sucked and the whiskey I’d been chugging I’d fucked her several times that night. Problem was the only way I’d managed to get off was by picturing the pretty blue eyes of Della Sloane’s looking up at me. Angelina’s practiced cries of pleasure turned me off. She was practiced in faking it. She didn’t like sex. She used it.
    I knew her type well. I wasn’t interested.
    I wasn’t my father. I couldn’t marry for money and connections and then have a woman on the side. It always made me angry that my parents screwed up marriage didn’t seem to affect them. It completely messed with my head.
    If I was going to tie myself down to one woman and be faithful to her the rest of my life for the sake of my rightful place in the family business, I wasn’t sure I wanted in. Fuck all
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