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Trust Me

Trust Me

Titel: Trust Me
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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    Stark shrugged. “It’s your business.”
    “I’ve already got a handful of Seattle clients. I could build on that,” Alison said.
    Stark nodded.
    Alison drew a deep breath. “It would mean that Jason and Kyle would have you in their lives on a regular basis. How would you feel about that?”
    “Okay,” Stark said.
    Desdemona smiled to herself.
    Alison appeared confused by the single-word answer. “I know they’re not your responsibility, and God knows you probably don’t want them hanging around all the time, but I can tell that their relationship with you has become very important to them and – “
    Stark frowned. “I said okay.”
    Alison switched her gaze to Desdemona in a silent request for clarification.
    Desdemona poured more coffee. “He said it was okay, Alison. That means it’s okay with him if you move Jason and Kyle to Seattle so that they can have him in their lives. He understands the importance of family. You can trust Stark. He always means what he says.”
    “I see.” Alison smiled tremulously. The tightness around her eyes and mouth eased. “That’s good to know.”
    “Yes,” Desdemona said. “It is.”
    How could she have had even a moment’s doubt about marrying Stark, Desdemona wondered. Bridal jitters. That’s all it had been. Now that they were over, she felt more confident than ever.
    She smiled across the table at Stark. He reached out with one big hand. His strong fingers closed very tightly over hers.
    Jason appeared in the doorway. “Hey, Mom, you want to come see our play tomorrow?”
    Alison smiled at him. “I’d like that very much.”
    Jason grinned. “I told Kyle you would. What happened to the shrink?”
    “Dr. Titus and I are no longer seeing each other,” Alison said carefully.
    “Maybe Bess and Juliet can find a husband for you,” Jason said.
    Desdemona laughed at Alison’s blank expression. “That’s not a bad idea, Jason. Bess and Juliet are going to need a new project now that I’m getting married.”
    “Yes,” Stark said. “They are.”

    Desdemona charged into Stark’s office the following afternoon. “Is he in, Mrs. Pitchcott?”
    Mrs. Pitchcott smiled serenely. “Why, yes he is, Miss Wainwright. I’ll tell him you’re here.”
    “Thanks.” Desdemona began to pace the outer office.
    Mrs. Pitchcott kept an eye on her as she informed Stark that he had a visitor.
    “Send her in, Maud.” Stark’s voice sounded preoccupied over the intercom.
    “Go right in, Miss Wainwright.” Mrs. Pitchcott beamed. “And may I say how happy I was to learn of your engagement to Mr. Stark. We’re all just delighted here at Stark Security Systems. Third time’s a charm, I always say.”
    “Thank you, Mrs. Pitchcott.”
    “The future glows brightest for those who face it with hearts full of love.”
    “I couldn’t agree more.” Desdemona opened the door of the inner office.
    Stark did not look up from his computer screen. “Something wrong?”
    “I just saw Ian.” Desdemona planted both hands on his desk. “He says you’ve agreed to back Dissolving. ”
    “Uh-huh.” Stark scowled at the numbers on the screen. He hit a key.
    “Are you certain you want to do this?”
    “Consider it my contribution to the arts.”
    “That’s ridiculous. You aren’t particularly interested in the arts.”
    “I owe the guy. He got conked on the head because of me.”
    “You don’t owe him this much,” Desdemona said.
    “Maybe not. But it’s sort of a family thing.” Stark issued a rapid series of commands to the computer.
    Desdemona was dumbfounded. “A family thing?”
    “Ian has promised to use as many Wainwrights as possible in the production. I figure that even if I’m not making an important contribution to the arts by playing theatrical angel, I’m at least making a contribution toward Wainwright family financial stability. Assuming Dissolving doesn’t dissolve the first night.”
    Desdemona laughed. She went around the corner of the desk and dropped into Stark’s lap.
    No longer able to view the computer screen, Stark leaned back in his chair, put one hand on her thigh, and switched his gaze to her. “Was there something you wanted?” he asked politely.
    “Yes.” She fiddled with the top button of his shirt. “But I suppose I can wait until tonight. I know how big you are on deferred gratification.”
    Stark’s eyes gleamed behind the lenses of his glasses. “My new policy is to defer certain kinds of
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