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Tony Hill u Carol Jordan 08 - Cross and Burn

Tony Hill u Carol Jordan 08 - Cross and Burn

Titel: Tony Hill u Carol Jordan 08 - Cross and Burn
Autoren: Val McDermid
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this Morrison bloke. She left work about an hour before Hill checked in here. If he’s keeping them before he kills them, he could have stashed her before he walked in here.’ His turn to smile. ‘That’s the kind of brass neck a proper serial killer would have, isn’t it?’
    ‘Only in a film,’ Paula said repressively. ‘Have you told Fielding about this yet?’
    He shook his head. ‘It’s not long in.’
    ‘OK. Send a couple of uniforms over to her home address to see whether Mr and Mrs Mather are having a duvet day. Meanwhile, check with Bradfield Cross admissions. Maybe Mather is her own name and she was admitted under her married name. See whether anyone was brought in with a suspected burst appendix. Let’s get our ducks in a row before we bother the DCI with this.’ She didn’t quite know what to make of this latest information. But if there was any chance at all that it might exonerate Tony, she’d strip Marie Mather’s life to the bone.

    Years of frontline policing kicked in and, faced with danger, Carol acted instinctively. She gave a banshee yell and lunged towards Taylor, aiming to knock him off balance. But he was equally quick off the mark and fired the taser before she covered the few feet between them. Her cry was cut off abruptly but her momentum carried her forward and he held out his arms to catch her before she hit the ground. He staggered under the impact but managed to keep his footing, thudding into the side of the Land Rover.
    Taylor quickly looked around, but nobody seemed to be paying them any attention. He half-dragged, half-carried Carol round to the rear of the Landie, his brain efficiently processing the options. As soon as he’d got the big back door open, he’d be secure from prying eyes. He could chuck her in the back and improvise. If there was nothing to tie her up with, he could bang her head on the floor and knock her out for long enough to get her back to his place. That would show the bitch the kind of man she was dealing with. Who the fuck did she think she was, tracking him across the city like he was a common criminal? Well, he had her now. He’d soon show her who was boss. Finding out who she was and what she thought she was doing would be an unexpected pleasure.
    He reached up and pushed the door handle upwards. It was stiff, and he grunted with the effort. As he struggled with the catch, Carol regained control of her limbs. She blinked repeatedly for a few seconds as he tried to get the taser aligned in his hand. The she snapped back into full consciousness. The arm that had been hanging loose at her side swept up in a long looping punch that connected with Taylor’s ear.
    He yelped, instinctively clapping his hand to the side of his head and letting the taser fall to the ground. Carol saw it fall, but he still had one arm gripping her close and she had no chance of reaching it. She pulled her arm back for a second punch but he saw this one coming and grabbed her wrist.
    But Carol didn’t mind fighting dirty. She ducked her head and clamped her teeth round his wrist, clenching her jaw as hard as she could. Simultaneously, she brought her knee up sharply between his legs, making satisfying contact with his balls. Bastard, bastard, bastard. Taylor’s breath shot out in a long squeal and he let her go. But as he let her go, he rammed his fist hard into her gut, forcing the air out of her lungs in a searing rush. Reflexively, she released her bite and gasped for air. They reeled around each other like a pair of late-night drunks.
    Carol lunged to the ground, aiming for the taser. But he wasn’t giving up. As her hand closed around the black plastic, he stamped hard on her wrist, numbing everything below it. He leaned over her and grabbed the taser. ‘You fucking bitch,’ he gasped as he pressed the trigger. Her body jerked and twitched then lay still.
    This time he’d get the Land Rover door open before he lifted her up. He strained at the handle again, pushing it upwards. But as soon as the catch released, the heavy metal door catapulted towards Taylor, the edge catching him in the middle of the forehead. He clutched his head and staggered, tripping over Carol’s prone body and crashing to the ground. A flying bundle of black-and-white fur flew through the air and struck him in the chest, taking him down. Taylor heard the deep terrifying growl of a hostile dog as he hit the tarmac. He took his hand away from the bump on his forehead and saw
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