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The Reef

The Reef

Titel: The Reef
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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safe-deposit boxes, vaults, law firms around the world. With the classic instructions—you know the drill—if anything should happen to me, et cetera. Me includes myself, my gorgeous future mother-in-law.”
    “Oh, Matthew.”
    “Ray,” Matthew continued after winking at her. “Buck, LaRue, and of course, Tate. Oh, and speaking of Tate.”
    Matthew’s hand flashed out like a snake, snagged the meticulous Windsor knot of VanDyke’s silk tie. With his eyes bullet hot, he twisted it like a noose.
    “If you ever go near her again, if you ever have one of your walking dead put a finger on her, I will kill you—after I’ve broken every bone in your body, and peeled your skin with one of Marla’s paring knives.”
    “Tate wasn’t supposed to tell you about that.” Flushing, Marla sucked mai tai through her straw.
    “I think we understand each other.” Finished, if far from satisfied, Matthew loosened his grip.
    “How nice. You’re still here.” Tate strolled into the lobby. Despite the bruise, her face was glowing. “Hello, lover.” Almost singing it, she bent to kiss Matthew’s cheek. “We’re a bit late,” she went on. “The plane was delayed. I’d like you to meet my friends and colleagues, Dr. Hayden Deel and Dr. Lorraine Ross.” She beamed at both of them. “Also known as the new Mr. and Mrs. Deel. Dad.” Tate put a restraining hand on her father’s arm when she saw him bare his teeth at VanDyke. “Behave.”
    “Nice to meet you.” Matthew rose and effectively blocked VanDyke in. “Did you have a good trip?”
    “Enjoyed every minute of it,” Lorraine told him. “Jet lag included.”
    Tate slipped off her sunglasses. “It’s very exciting. The captain of the Nomad married them just a few days ago.”
    “We’re going to combine a honeymoon here with business.” Hayden kept an arm around Lorraine’s shoulder as if she might disappear without the contact. “When we got Tate’s message we were concerned enough to make the trip immediately.”
    “It was great to be able to surprise them at the airport. When I called the university this morning to start the ball rolling on announcing the discovery of the wreck, they told me Hayden and Lorraine were already on their way.”
    “Gives us a chance to beat out the others.” Lorraine leaned against Hayden’s arm and struggled not to yawn. “Nevis will be lousy with scientists and reporters in a couple of days. We’re anxious to examine the relics from the Isabella before it gets crowded.”
    “That’s the plan.” Tate smiled sourly at VanDyke. “I don’t believe you’ve met my associates face-to-face, VanDyke, but you certainly know them by reputation. Oh, and wasn’t that your servant I saw being loaded into an ambulance outside? He looked terribly pale.”
    White with a choking, smothering fury, VanDyke rose. “This doesn’t end here.”
    “I agree.” In restraint and unity, Tate laid a hand on Matthew’s shoulder. “It’s just a beginning. Several very important institutes are sending representatives to observe the rest of our operation, and to examine the artifacts. Of particular interest is a certain amulet known as Angelique’s Curse. The Smithsonian Magazine is going to do an extensive article on its history, its discovery and its lore. The National Geographic is considering a documentary.”
    As all the pieces fell neatly into place, she smiled. “It’s very much on record now where the amulet was found, by whom, and to whom it belongs. Checkmate, VanDyke.”
    “Want a beer, Red?”
    “Yeah.” She squeezed Matthew’s shoulder. “Love one.”
    “Take the rest of mine. I don’t think the waitress will be coming back. I think that pretty much concludes our business, VanDyke. Anything else comes to mind, get in touch. Through our lawyer. What was that name again, Red?”
    “Winston, Terrance and Blythe, Washington, D.C. You might have heard of them. I believe they’re one of the top firms on the East Coast. Oh, and darling, the American consul was very enthusiastic when I spoke with him a couple of hours ago. He’d like to visit the site himself.”
    God, Matthew thought, she was something. “We’ll have to accommodate him. Now if you’ll excuse us, VanDyke, we have a lot of plans to make.”
    VanDyke scanned the faces surrounding him. He saw triumph, confusion, challenge. He could meet none of them here, alone. With the sour taste of failure burning his throat, he turned stiffly and left.
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