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The Merchant of Menace

The Merchant of Menace

Titel: The Merchant of Menace
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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routine. Todd distributed the gifts and they opened them one at a time, going from youngest to oldest until everything was opened.
    Jane fixed a light breakfast and afterwards, the kids tried on new clothes, checked out their new stuff, and Jane indulged herself in playing the adventure game Mike had gotten her for her laptop. At noon, Thelma arrived, this time without her son Ted and his wife Dixie. Ted and Dixie spent Christmas Day with Dixie’s parents and siblings. Mel and Addie arrived an hour later. Mel looked happy and rested.
    “How’s Pet doing?“ he asked.
    “Patty Sue called a few minutes ago and said they were both fine,“ Jane answered.
    “Poor child,“ Addie said. Apparently Mel had filled her in on the case and its resolution. “Her father going to jail.“
    “But she has her mother back,“ Jane said. “That doesn’t make it better, exactly, but she needs her mother’s influence. If you could have seen her smile when she and her mother came downstairs—“ Jane started tearing up again. She’d done that a couple of times since witnessing the reunion and would probably keep on doing so for quite a while. “I have to check the turkey,“ she said, turning away abruptly.
    Mel followed her a minute later and took her into the little hallway leading to the guest bath and garage door. “You’re a good woman,“ he said before kissing her.
    “And you’re a good man to put up with me,“ she said.
    “I have a gift I want to give you now. I don’t know if you want it or not.”
    He pulled a tiny box out of his pocket and handed it to her. She knew what it was without opening it. But she opened it anyway. It was a diamond ring.
    “Oh, Mel—“
    “You don’t have to answer right now. Just keep it while you’re deciding.“
    A dozen thoughts flashed through her mind. One of the more trivial ones was the concept of having not one, but two mothers-in-law, neither of whom liked her. Another was how much she loved this good man.
    “Mel, I have such gifts this year. My kids, my friends, my home, and you.“
    “But I wish you’d keep this and give it to me again next Christmas... if you still want to.“
    She was afraid he’d be angry—or worse, hurt. Instead, he smiled and put his hand out for the box. “All right. If that’s what you want.“
    Jane took a step back and looked at him severely. “You’re relieved!“
    “No, I’m not!“ he said, still smiling.
    “You are! I can tell. You’re supposed to beg me to change my mind.“
    “Would you?“
    “Then why should I waste my effort?“ He was openly laughing at her now.
    She started laughing, too. She snuggled into his arms and said, “I like things just like they are, Mel.“
    “So do I.“
    “Mom? Where are you? The gravy’s burning,“ Katie yelled from the kitchen.
    “You save the gravy, I’ll save this,“ Jane said, holding up the ring box.
    “Promise?“ Mel asked.
    “I promise.“
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