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The Last Concubine

The Last Concubine

Titel: The Last Concubine
Autoren: Catt Ford
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to the position of obeisance. None of the rest of his company dared to even look up, but Hüi Wei noticed the four burly soldiers who flanked the girl maintained a tight cluster around her, as if she held some high position and was therefore in constant need of protection.
    “Nothing, my Lord! He dares ask nothing of you.” The courtier glanced up slyly and then fixed his gaze back at the floor. “If, in some distant future, you should be moved to grant him some small token of your favor—but he is very aware that he deserves less than nothing from you. No, we have come to present you with a gift of great value, merely to express Wu Min’s loyalty and allegiance to you, Protector of the North, and to the Son of Heaven, Emperor Jun, and—”
    “General Qiang appreciates this gracious gesture, but he is an important man. He has much responsibility in the business of serving the emperor,” Jiang interrupted smoothly. “I assure you any gift from Wu Min will be greatly valued.”
    The courtier seemed to recognize he was being urged to get on with it, although clearly he would have been content to listen to his own eloquence for many hours. He held up one hand. “If I may have permission to direct these miserable servants to approach the most gracious governor—”
    Jiang nodded. “You may. To that line and no further.” He pointed at a line of black stone set into the floor at least ten feet short of Hüi Wei.
    The courtier held up one pinkie and a manservant approached the throne on his knees, holding a small chest. He opened the chest to reveal the gleam of many silver tael piled within.
    “A small offering of coin,” the courtier said, as if the amount were negligible instead of a small fortune. He lifted the ring finger on the hand still held aloft.
    A second servant shuffled forward with another small chest. This time the lid was lifted to reveal the lustrous beauty of pearls of various sizes and colors that ranged from black to pink to purest white.
    “Rare pearls harvested from the ocean, at the cost of many lives,” the courtier intoned. He added his index finger.
    A third servant came forward to unroll a bolt of shimmering silk.
    “The finest silk in all of Liaopeh province. Note the subtle beauty of the orchid flower woven into the pattern.”
    Hüi Wei yawned ostentatiously upon his throne to indicate his boredom with these offerings.
    The courtier looked dismayed. “These gifts are mere nothings, not worthy of the governor’s greatness. Although garnered through great personal austerity on the part of Wu Min, these tokens are too insignificant to add to your great wealth and consequence. No, the treasure Wu Min wishes to present you with is none of these. It still awaits.” Finally, he raised the middle finger on his hand.
    The four soldiers got to their feet, and one held out his hand to the lady who was still prostrated in full obeisance. She rested her hand upon his brawny forearm as lightly as a hummingbird in flight and rose gracefully, her gaze properly cast down and veiled by her lashes. The soldiers led her forward and stood ringing her as if guarding her from imminent attack. Her blue cheongsam was embroidered in gold with dragons and phoenixes, and the dark color served to set off her ivory beauty.
    In a hushed voice, the courtier spoke as if so impressed with himself he could hardly bear the significance of what he was saying. “Wu Min has made the most profound of sacrifices to offer you his half sister, the Princess Zhen Lan’xiu, to be your wife.”
    Hüi Wei didn’t even glance in the girl’s direction. “Thank your master, but I could not accept a gift that would deliver such cruel pain to the giver. The sentiment is gracious, but the sacrifice is unnecessary. I do not need Wu Min to choose my wife for me.”
    The courtier hurried into flustered speech. “He means no offense! It is known that your Greatness already possesses a wife and several concubines! Wu Min had no thought of the Princess Lan’xiu displacing any of these revered ladies. No! In fact, you may use her as you wish and cast her aside if she displeases you!”
    Jiang asked, “Does he undertake to accept this gift back if she is found to be defective?”
    Shocked, the courtier said, “She is untouched! Chaste and pure! The most beautiful maiden to be found in all Liaopeh! None who see her fail to fall under the spell of her beauty. Her nature is modest and demure! And she has been most carefully
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