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The Khmer Kill: A Dox Short Story (Kindle Single)

The Khmer Kill: A Dox Short Story (Kindle Single)

Titel: The Khmer Kill: A Dox Short Story (Kindle Single)
Autoren: Barry Eisler
Vom Netzwerk:
Saint Louis would be just the thing to smooth out the complications in a romance. But for gorgeous Mossad operative Delilah and trying-to-retire contract killer John Rain, nothing is ever easy, and when Rain sees a crew of hard-looking men setting up outside the restaurant, he realizes someone has been bringing her work home with her. Is it a hit — or something even worse? When it comes to killing, business and pleasure are the most dangerous mix of all. The download comes with an essay called Personal Safety Tips from Assassin John Rain, which includes information that will be at least as valuable to civilians as it has been to Rain.
    “Rain’s combination of quirks and proficiency is the stuff great characters are made of.”
—Entertainment Weekly
    “Eisler combines the insouciance of Ian Fleming, the realistic detail of Tom Clancy, the ennui of Graham Greene and the prose power of John le Carré.”
Paris Is a Bitch

books by barry eisler
    Rain Fall
    Hard Rain
    Rain Storm
    Killing Rain
    The Last Assassin
    Requiem For An Assassin
    Fault Line
    Inside Out
    The Detachment
    Short Fiction
    The Lost Coast
    Paris Is A Bitch
    The Khmer Kill
    Be the Monkey: A Conversation About the New World of Publishing
    The Ass Is A Poor Receptacle For The Head
Vom Netzwerk:

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