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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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the wild and kinky form of a Scottish fuck. Hell, I'm game for anything.”
    “I cannae tell you, milord. It's the demon talking.”
    Stupid, stubborn or possessed, Iaen was at a loss as to what to make of her blathering. Speaking in tongues took on new meaning when she whispered what he supposed was an illicit threat against his chest. He escorted Lila into the Great Hall. He met his downstairs guard with a frown. “See she's taken to Patricia's old cottage. I'll join you shortly.”
    “Aye, milord.”
    “Father, tell me who at the seminary is qualified to assist you.”
    “The monsignor would serve us well. Wait here, milord, I'll send him a quickly penned missive to explain the situation.”
    Iaen stared up at his chamber door. “Pray for me, milady.”
    For at that time, Iaen felt he needed all the prayers in the world to see him through the next few days.

Chapter Seven

    And just when you thought the world had turned to sunbeams and kisses—yeah, right .

    Jenny stretched. “Sorry,” she said to Mary. “I'm not used to sleeping next to someone, especially not a pint-sized midget.” Trying to shift her weight back, Jenny became grossly aware of a firm wall behind her.
    A rumbling chuckle from Iaen competed with the anxious movements of the baby. “Shh, it's all right, sweet bairn.” She rubbed her hand over the baby's downy head. Mary settled herself by suckling on her fist. “He isn't always the best mannered man I've ever met, but he's harmless.”
    “The hell I am harmless.”
    “Milady, I'll take Mary back to our room,” Patricia whispered before she plucked the swaddled babe from beside her.
    Immediately awake, Jenny flopped over onto her back. “Iaen Kincaid, what are you up to?” Jenny's gaze snapped to the arrow slit. It wasn't even dawn yet.
    “There is no trickery afoot, my lady. 'Tis a husband's privilege to sleep with his wife. Though I will admit I regretted not coming to bed sooner for I fear Mary and you take all the space and leave me with a pittance.”
    She laughed at him. “In my time they call that a woman's prerogative. We get to hog all the covers and you get to cling to the edge of the mattress. I have to admit, I'm notorious for taking up all the bed.” Even as she said it, she rolled over to give him more room. “Mary also needs her space.”
    “Aye. For a bairn, she already knows she commands the bedchamber and more to the point, has the right to rule the most territory in the bed.” He scooted over as she made room for him.
    “I'm sorry I fell asleep on you.” Thinking she was missing something, Jenny levered her torso into a sitting position. “It's very quiet in here.” She turned a worried glare to his handsome face. “Where's Lila?”
    “That's not a precise answer.”
    “She's been moved out of the Keep, as I said she would be. Father Thomas is taking care of her.”
    “You are crazy.” She scurried from beneath the covers. “She'll have the whole village after her.”
    Iaen sighed before he threw back the sheet and quilt. “Milady, she's not hurt, nor is she possessed.”
    “What? Possessed?” Jenny shook her head. Married to an idiot, she reminded herself. “She's not possessed. She's an alcoholic. A person who is so attached to the bottle she'll beg, borrow or steal to get a drink. She'll screw anything with a dick to get her way.” Good God, what was she saying? The bigger dagger hitting her hard was Iaen had removed Lila from the Keep. “Tell me she didn't….” Her words got caught behind the clog of emotions gathering in her throat. You're dealing with Lila here. Don't forget, he said, you couldn't fix her and, to a certain degree, she shouldn't interfere. She should let Lila make her own decisions.
    Unfortunately, Jenny knew how Lila operated. “Did she seduce you?” As much as thinking about Iaen with her ex-boss killed a part of her, Jenny also knew Iaen would never be happy with a woman like her. She was too forthright, too independent. She'd taken life as it came, regretted what she couldn't change and dealt with what she could. The facet of her ex-boss that was etched in stone was Lila knew what she wanted, and more disgusting, she knew how to get it.
    Sex. It wasn't any different than what she'd done the night before. She'd screwed Iaen to get her way. His gratitude was the least expected response, but she knew she was screwing her way to his heart and to get her way.
    How many times had she heard Lila say the
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