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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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same thing in gruesomely explicit detail? Hell, she'd called one bad boy rocker a wimp in the sack as she flashed the diamond bracelet she'd gotten from him. Damn it, she'd beat the air out of an Oscar nominated actor's sails by fucking him then spreading around a rumor he was either a closet homosexual or dick challenged. “What have you done?”
    The bigger question was could she forgive Iaen if he ‘fessed up to an illicit affair with a bimbo who was going through withdrawal. The answer was a defined—no.
    Fuck, she couldn't even blame Lila this go 'round. Her ex-boss was weak, vulnerable and sex was her weapon of choice. She'd tried to warn Iaen not to take Lila on, more than aware of the danger she was. Lila would never care who she hurt. Hell no, she kept her eye on the prize and plotted out the easiest way to get there.
    “Jenny, what are you babbling about?”
    “I know what you did.” A knifing pain attacked her heart. “You screwed Lila.” She jumped out of the way when he reached for her. “Don't touch me.” Slashing her hand through the air, she blinked back tears. I'm so pathetic it’s ridiculous .
    Her skin literally crawled at the thought of being Lila's sloppy seconds. “How could you?” She willed the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Forcing her pride to the fore, she lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. The whole time she exuded bravado, tears shrouded her sight. “Fine. If you want to call it quits, I'm okay with that. Just don't say I didn't warn you about Lila.” Have a good time in your misery .
    It was too much to take. The thought of Iaen with the wild and kinky Lila killed a part of her. “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.” Like you'd care about poor, pitiful Jenny .
    “Jenny? What's wrong?”
    She'd just woken up and already she was exhausted. “What do you want from me? Do you want me to turn a blind eye to your affair with Lila? I can't do it.” She knew she was jumping to conclusions, but what the fuck was she supposed to think? Iaen was a real stud. It wasn't like Lila would let him out of her talons for long, especially since he wasn't her exclusive property.
    “Come here.” He held out his hand to her.
    “Did you?”
    “Would you believe me if I said nay?”
    God knows she wanted to believe him. “I don't know. It's not that I don't want to, but she's stolen more boyfriends from her enemies and friends than I can count.”
    He heaved an exasperated sigh. “I moved her to Patricia's cottage. That's all.”
    “She didn't try to seduce you?”
    “She—” Jenny couldn't go on. She waved at the bed. “Did you?”
    “I took her to the cottage and turned her over to Father Thomas. After that I rode to the monastery where I appealed to the Monsignor for assistance with Lila's exorcism. 'Twas a waste of time, but I have a duty to fulfill. I never thought of nor would I have taken Lila to bed.” He let his sentence hang between them for a pregnant pause. “Even if I had the inclination, wife , when would you have liked me to bed her?”
    “Oh, sorry. I didn't know.” Her excuse sounded lame to her own ears. “It's just that....”
    He cut her off by holding up his hand. “You donnae trust me.”
    “I didn't say that. It's just everything.” It was that she had been treated to how Lila operated with first hand accounts of her exploits from bed to bed and club to club. She didn't care where. Nope, her focus was who and what she could gain by petty vengeance. “You wouldn't understand.”
    “Get dressed.”
    “I'm taking you to where I find my understanding and reaffirm my beliefs.”
    “I'll have Elspeth pack for you. We'll be gone several days.”
    “I'm not in the mood for a long trip.” Hell, she doubted she could make it down the stairs before she collapsed.
    “Did I say you were given a choice?”
    “No, you didn't. It doesn't matter, I still can't leave. Lila needs me.”
    “Lila is in the care of Father Thomas,” he reminded her.
    “Charlzie doesn't appear very happy. Would you have me be selfish when I'm supposed to counsel her?” Like I have the wisdom to get Charlzie out of her current funk. She was seeking any excuse to not go with him and hated how he'd backed her into a corner.
    “We'll heal their union after we deal with our own.”
    “Iaen, I can't leave.” She watched him dress, and with every article of clothing he added, he changed bit by bit into the unbending Laird of the
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