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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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tint on the windows, Charles didn’t notice the sleek, black motorcycle shoot past him.
    The house on his left was a two story, split-level. The yard had desert landscaping with only a few cacti for effect. He didn’t have time for yard work. Made your hands all rough and callously. He didn’t like that.
    He hit the garage door opener, the door slip open and he pulled the car into the garage. Hitting the button again, the door slid down quietly. Charles also didn’t notice the figure that had slid into the garage right behind him. The Guardian had been waiting, hidden along the side of the garage between the houses.
    Once inside, the Guardian stayed low. He crouched down along the passenger side of the car. The only thing he heard was the creaking and popping from the hot engine as it began to cool off and settle. He heard the car door open, close, and then a quick chirp and the alarm had set. He waited. He would wait for some time. He wanted Charles to be very comfortable, unaware, and relaxed. Then he would surprise him.
    The time had passed slowly, but patience was the one thing he had the most of. He looked at his watch. It was after 11 pm and he was sure that Charles was sound asleep in his bed. Using a small pen light, he found his way to the entrance door leading from the garage to the main part of the house. Pulling a small pick set from his pocket, he carefully worked the lock on the door. Silently he slid the bolt back and as quiet as a cat he slithered into the house. He left the door ajar so it wouldn't impede his departure if he had to leave suddenly.
    The Guardian scanned the house, silently using his pen light. He moved from room to room. He was searching for anything that might prove to be a hazard. Once he was satisfied that there was no one else there, he made his way up the stairs. He slowly tested each step very carefully, listening for any creaking from any loose steps.Checking the second floor where he would run through the same procedure, ending up in the master bedroom where Charles would be.
    At the end of the hallway was the master bedroom. It had a large set of double doors. One was latched closed, the other wide open. Staying low, he slowly crept to the open door and looked in. He could see Charles, sleeping comfortably. He was unaware that his pleasant dreams were about to be awakened into a nightmare that would be beyond his wildest imagination.
    He stood over the bed, looking down, watching him as he slept. It was just amazing how this vile waste of humanity could do such heinous things and sleep so well at night. Well, looks were deceiving. That’s how the likes of Ted Bundy got away with the things they did.
    Did you ever notice how you can almost, always sense when someone is staring at you? It’s almost like a sixth sense. That’s what Charles was noticing when he, for some unknown reason woke up and saw this tall dark figure standing over his bed. It took him a minute to focus and get his head clear from his sleepy haze but once he did, the shock hit him like a brick wall had fallen on him.
    “Hey, what the f-------“And the lights went out as 50,000 volts hit him square in the chest.
    The Guardian used the Taser M-18. It was an EMD weapon. The new Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology was far better than the standard stun weapons. It used a more powerful 18 to 26 watt electrical signal to completely override the central nervous system and directly control the skeletal muscles. Rather than simply interfering with communication between the brain and muscles, the advanced Taser EMD systems directly tell the muscles what to do: contract until the target is in the fetal position.
    That’s what he wanted. Total shut down. This would make him easier to handle. It was damn humbling too.
    Chapter 8
    When Charles came to he was neatly and securely tied to the large, leather chair at his desk facing his computer monitor. Across the room from him sat a man, completely dressed in black. Even his head was covered in some type of form fitting hood. All he could see were the eyes.
    “What do you want from me?” Charles said, nervously, dry mouthed and quite scared.
    “Want? From you? Don’t flatter yourself.” The man said, just staring at him.
    “Well then why have you done this to me?”
    “You are a vile piece of shit. You know the things that you do and have done are crimes against innocent young boys, yet you laugh at the system that sets you free.”
    “You’re crazy,
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