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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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    The lone, dark figure watched from the shadows as the plain, brown sedan slowed to a stop. The young girl, not yet eight years old approached the car. She was walking along the sidewalk, very unaware. Right before she reached the car, a Hispanic looking man stepped out from behind the wheel.
    Stepping in front of the pretty, young girl, he bent over to talk to her. The girl made a step back and the man grabbed her arm, forcing her towards the car. He opened the passenger door, suddenly struck with a force of blinding speed. He moaned loudly as he was thrown back, landing solidly and painfully onto the pavement. His head hit the pavement with a loud crack.
    Trying to stand, the heel of a large leather boot struck him squarely shattering his nose, chin and cheek bones.
    The city of Las Vegas is a multitude of lights and towering casinos. The marquees are so bright and spectacular. You can’t help but be amazed. It is not just the vast array of glittery lights, endless nightclubs, strip clubs and gay bars. It is an endless ocean of every known debauchery to man. Las Vegas is a cesspool of immoral behavior. Without the strength or will power to survive, it will suck the very life from you. It is a safe haven for a multitude of child predators and sex offenders from all over the world. Known for its lax, uncontrolled system, that is why they come here.
    There is something about seeing a bug, an insect, a spider, or some other creepy crawly thing on the floor, or a wall, crawling across the table or some other place. For some reason you know it’s there for no good reason. Most people, they see them and they get all prickly all over, rubbing or scratching. Instinct says, “Kill it” so we do. Swat it, stomp on it, and spray it with a chemical. Use what ever is handy. What ever it is, we eradicate it. We eliminate it and remove it from our presence so it will not harm others or us. The odd thing is, even after it has gone, the feelings we had about it, the uneasiness that creepy-crawly feeling is still there.
    The perverted pedophiles are the same. I use the word perverted with the word pedophile because pedophile is a Greek word for, “one who loves children”. There is a strong misconception. They are, in fact baby rapers, child molesters, a disgusting waste of human flesh. They walk the earth, always preying on helpless, defenseless, innocent children. Even after they’re gone, they leave behind this sick uneasy feeling. For some, this feeling is much worse than for others. A feeling for them that will never go away. There is permanent, emotional damage. Sadly, very often a new monster is born. They just are not aware of it.
    There is one man who will not sit by idle, watching as everyone else does. He will not let the guilty walk away from their crimes. The laws do not protect the children. The punishments are not severe enough or tough enough. The already incarcerated criminals in our penal system will not even tolerate child molesters. They are kept away from the general population. These parasites sleep with the rats, snitches and other sex offenders. Their lives would be in danger otherwise. We are making progress, but it’s moving too slowly. The laws do not defend the helpless; they only defend and protect the guilty. The laws we have are too vague, too many holes for the guilty to slip through. Lady Justice is blind.
    However, there is one man. This sole protector of the weak, this gladiator for the defenseless has seen and heard enough. “Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord. Unfortunately, that is not swift enough.
    He is the champion of their cause, their protector, their savior from the Hell in which they live. He is, “The Guardian”.

Part One
    A Child Is Born

Chapter 1
    The sky was dark and ominous. The clouds looked like smoke damaged cotton. Musky, dark shadowy puffs, barely moving, were hanging over the city as if waiting for some opportune time to open up and drench the filth of the city away. The wind blew a cold chill across the ground, scattering the trash and leaves in little whirlwind funnels, sliding effortlessly from one place then to no place in particular.
    It was barely drizzling. The streets were wet from the recent downpour. It had only given a sample of the torrential pounding that was coming. Off in the distance thunder boomed its warning. Lightning cracked and lit up the sky.
    In the center of the courtyard, on the large grassy area leading up to the huge, concrete
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