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The Gathandrian Trilogy 03 - The Executioners Cane

The Gathandrian Trilogy 03 - The Executioners Cane

Titel: The Gathandrian Trilogy 03 - The Executioners Cane
Autoren: Anne Brooke
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– this time after so much had happened to change them both – Simon found once more he wasn’t prepared to let the Lammas Lord control it all.
    “Perhaps there are other combinations, of equally unlikely parts, which could form something good also?” he said. “Both in your land and in ourselves, if we are brave enough to permit them.”
    After another moment, Ralph’s slow answering smile lit up his expression. And the warm touch of his lips on Simon’s hand made the Lost One’s skin tingle.
    “I think that can be arranged on all counts,” Ralph replied. “Don’t you?”

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