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The Fort (Aric Davis)

The Fort (Aric Davis)

Titel: The Fort (Aric Davis)
Autoren: Aric Davis
Vom Netzwerk:
and there is not a day that goes by when I don’t think about the ways that you have changed the lives of my family, and about how lucky I am to count you as a friend.
    Thank you to my partner in crime, creative editor David, who has helped all of my books get ready for the eyes of the public. We form a powerful collaborative team, and the edits for The Fort came in such a short and spastic amount of time that I don’t really feel comfortable saying just how quickly the book was made ready. Better than the speed, though, is the quality that your work brings to my writing. You see things that I don’t, and my writing improves dramatically with just a few of your keystrokes helping to guide the way.
    Thanks to my friend Jacque, as always. The tremendous amount of work you do for your authors could never be overstated, and in case you ever forget, we appreciate the hell out of it. As a very influential man once said, “Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.” As an aside, we should be going to B-Con a few months after this comes out, and that will be super rad.
    To my dear friend Sarah Burningham of Little Bird Publicity, the early word on the street was that we would be working on this one together. If we did, I’m sure we had a lovely time; if not, I’m sure we’ll get the band back together soon enough. All that aside, I hope you and your baby—over six months old when this comes out!—are doing wonderfully, and sleeping wonderfully as well.
    To Greg, who helped immeasurably with a spot of writer’s indecisiveness that was plaguing the end of the second act of this story, and helped breathe fire into the third, all of my first readers are appreciated, but you knocked this one out of the park, and for that I thank you.
    To everyone else at Amazon, thank you all so much for your continued efforts on my behalf, and on the behalf of your other authors. I never would have guessed that I would find so many friends in the world of writing, but with you that is exactly what I have. In no particular order, Sarah, Andrew, Katie, Alan, Grace, Rory, Justin, Megan, Patrick, David, Jessica, Ashley, Luke, and everyone else at Amazon and Brilliance Audio, thank you all so very much.
    Finally, thanks to you, my readers, for the chance to tell a story. I hope we get to hang out again sometime.


    Photograph by Megan Davis, 2012
    Born in Ithaca, New York, Aric Davis has lived most of his life in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of A Good and Useful Hurt and the acclaimed YA novel Nickel Plated , called by Gillian Flynn a “dark but humane, chilling and sometimes heart-breaking work of noir” and given a “Top 10” Booklist designation in 2011. A punk-music and tattoo aficionado, Davis has been a professional body piercer for sixteen years. He and his wife and daughter live in the chilly Midwest, where they can enjoy roller coasters, hockey, and cold weather.
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