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The Christmas Catch

The Christmas Catch

Titel: The Christmas Catch
Autoren: Ginny Baird
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Before she knew it, two hours had flown by and they were standing at the door ready to make their departure. Christine had nearly forgotten how good it felt to talk comfortably with a man. Maybe there’d been a few peaks and valleys during their dialogue, but overall they’d gotten on reasonably well. So well, in fact, that she couldn’t help but feel slightly depressed that the outing was over.
    “Come on, Ty,” she told her son as he said good-bye to his newfound friends. “Let’s get on your hat and gloves. It’s awfully cold outside.” Mason watched them with ears drooping, not wanting them to go.
    “I’m really glad that you could make it,” John said, helping Christine on with her coat.
    “Thanks for asking us,” she said, holding his gaze.
    Just then, a middle-aged man barreled through the door carrying a blast of frigid air with him. Mason excitedly bounded for him, covering him with doggie kisses.
    “Mason, down!” John said. This time Christine was sure he’d flushed red, from his neck to the tips of his ears. The dog slunk to the floor, looking embarrassed.
    “Don’t be so hard on the pooch,” the man said. “Some days it’s the only loving I get!” He unwrapped his broad scarf, exposing a handsome older face and a graying beard. He shot John a merry grin.
    “Steadman! How’s it going? Surviving sabbatical?”
    John affectionately pumped his hand. “Good to see you, Carlos.”
    Carlos sent a quick glance at Tyler then gave Christine an appreciative once-over.
    “Hello…” he said to Christine, his voice lilting with a light Spanish accent. “And you must be?”
    “Christine White,” she said, extending her hand.
    “Carlos Dominguez. It’s a pleasure.” He turned his gaze on Ty. “And you, young man?”
    John smiled. “This is Christine’s son, Tyler.”
    Carlos eyed them all, apparently pleased with the situation.
    “Well, well… Isn’t this delightful? Where are you two from?”
    “We’re here from Chicago,” Christine said.
    “It’s a permanent move, I hope?”
    “Just a vacation,” she told him.
    “I didn’t think my colleague had that much luck.”
    “Weren’t you on your way somewhere?” John asked Carlos, clearly trying to get rid of him.
    “Fine, fine,” Carlos said, shaking his head. “I can see when I’m not wanted.” He smiled warmly at Christine before taking his leave. “Christine, hope to have the opportunity again.”
    “I’ll bet you do, you old dog,” John said under his breath. Mason nuzzled his hand, but John waved him away.
    “He seemed nice,” Christine said as Carlos made his way to the coffee bar and ordered.
    “We’ve been friends for a long time. Knew him down in New Orleans, in fact.”
    “At Tulane?” Christine queried before she could stop herself.
    John dissected her with piercing blue eyes and her cheeks caught fire. Now he’d know she’d been stalking him. Not only had she looked up his e-mail address, she’d practically memorized his bio!
    John cocked his head sideways and studied her with amazement. “That’s right.”
    Christine slid on her gloves, anxious to extract herself from the humiliating moment. “Tyler and I should head back.”
    “That’s not a bad thought,” John said, peering out the door beside them. “It’s starting to flurry out there.”
    “Does it ever stop snowing in Vermont?” Christine asked with a laugh.
    “A few months out of the year,” he answered.
    Christine finished bundling up Tyler and pulled on her winter hat.
    “You know,” John said. “The snow may be a pain for driving, but it makes for awfully good sledding.”
    “Sledding? Yahoo!” Tyler crowed, springing up and down.
    Christine stared at John, her heart hopeful. Oh to be in a winter wonderland with this handsome man, gliding down snow-covered hills. Christine brought her hand to her mouth, hoping she’d just thought that, not said it. By the way John’s eyes crinkled at the corners, she wasn’t sure.
    “I was thinking,” he said as a smile spread across his lips, “that maybe the three of us could go for a ride?”
    “He knows where all the best hills are!” Carlos shouted from across the room.
    Christine turned, to spy Carlos seated in the corner, apparently eavesdropping from behind his splayed newspaper.
    John spouted back, feigning irritation. “Could you mind your own business for one fraction of a second… please?”
    Carlos shrugged and rattled his paper, making Christine giggle out
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