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Storm (Swipe Series)

Storm (Swipe Series)

Titel: Storm (Swipe Series)
Autoren: Evan Angler
Vom Netzwerk:
somehow, implicitly, though he still couldn’t see it.
    “Who are you?” Logan asked.
    “Your new friend. Your guide to the Ultranet. To Anything! And the great thing about Anything,” the girl said, “is that it can be anything it wants.” She smiled innocently. “Don’t you love it here?”
    “No,” Logan said. “It’s torture.”
    The girl frowned. “Well, that won’t do.”
    And just like that, Logan was flying.
    “ You are in It now, ” the girl said . “Trapped, it seems. But so what? Everything’s trapped, in its own way. Inside bodies, inside routines . . .
    “In this moment . . . in your time as you see it . . . you are here.” And this girl, this friendly visitor, this savior . . . she couldn’t change that any more than she could tear Logan from the skin in which he sat, in his metal chair, with his sustenance IVs, in his cell, outside of Its space.
    “No,” the girl said as Logan soared higher. “I can’t change that at all.” She laughed now, playfully. “But Anything can have its own way of setting you free. ”
    Back in the physical world, Logan would sit in his empty, finite cell, for who knew how long.
    But the It before him had opened wide. His new friend led the way.
    And now Logan was soaring through a great mobile, beyondthe scope of understanding. Past the moon, past Venus . . . past Mercury, and the Sun, past Mars, and Jupiter, and Saturn . . . past the divine comedy itself and past fixed stars and past and past, over, over, to a great circle of Anything beyond.
    Logan shielded his eyes.
    He squinted sharply.
    He thought,
    What’s next?

    E VAN ANGLER IS OFF TO THE DARK LANDS. To see what’s there. To escape what’s here.
    Things got worse faster than he could keep up.
    But there’s a new promise on the horizon.
    So, come on. Destroy all the evidence—and let’s go.
    Because you are the ones who question. Who think differently. Who doubt.
    Because we’ve already found enough trouble.
    And because now it’s time to see how much of it we can cause .

    Evan Angler

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