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Someone to watch over me

Someone to watch over me

Titel: Someone to watch over me
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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    “Who would know?“ Jack nagged.
    “I have no idea. Great-uncle Horatio’s dead. His staff, which was small, all came with him when his Aunt Flora died. I assume they all went back to wherever they came from. There wasn’t anyone around but hoboes when we came here, and they all lived in the kitchen.“
    “So there isn’t anyone who would remember?”
    “Probably not. Why do you care so much about dates?“ Robert asked.
    “Well, obviously it’s local news and I’m the editor of the paper. But how long the body could have been there would be a clue as to who it might be. If, for example, the new icehouse was built onto the pantry in 1920, the body could have been put in the old one in the woods anytime after that. So you’d have a long list of men it might be. If it was much later, you cut down on the possibilities.“
    “Hmm. I hadn’t thought of it that way. Are you going to investigate the murder?“
    “Murder? You didn’t say it was a murder!“ Jack exclaimed.
    Robert ran his hands through his normally well-groomed hair in frustration. “I figure it had to be. He was bashed on the back of the head and laid out very formally with his hands on his chest, tied lightly together with some sort of string. I don’t think you could consider it suicide or a natural death.“
    “You should have said earlier.“ Jack was angry. “Of course it must be investigated. But I brought Lily up here to see if you and she will pay to send me to Washington to cover our Voorburg men in the Bonus March. I don’t guess Albany will know anything until I get back. If I’m allowed to go on your nickel. Today is Friday. I want to leave tomorrow and be back by Wednesday.“
    “Who’s putting together the newspaper in the meantime?“ Robert asked.
    “I’ve already got it done and ready for printing.“
    “You’ll be busy putting together the next issue when you get back. I guess it’s up to me to play detective,“ Robert said.
    He rubbed his hands together in anticipation. It would make Jack nearly insane to think about losing his story.
    Chapter 5
    Lily didn’t go see Mr. Prinney right away. She’d lurked just inside the front door trying unsuccessfully to eavesdrop until Jack Summer reluctantly left, saying to Robert, “Let me know what Mr. Prinney says about me going to Washington.“
    “Somebody’s got to tell Mr. Prinney about the body in the icehouse,“ Lily said, when Robert came inside too quickly and found her eavesdropping.
    “I told him,“ Robert said. “He’s not very happy about it.“
    “Nor am I!“ Lily exclaimed. “The last thing we need is another dead body. Grace and Favor already has a bad reputation for people dying here.“
    “Every old house has had people die in them,“ Robert said.
    “Of natural causes,“ Lily said. “Not all who died here qualify. I’ve got to talk to Mr. Prinney about Jack’s interviewing the Bonus Marchers.“
    “Do. And tell Prinney it’s a good idea,“ Robert said.
    “You think so?“
    “It gives me some leeway,“ Robert said mysteriously. Normally she’d have questioned such a remark, but she had other things on her mind. She merely shrugged and went to Mr. Prinney’s office off the front entry hall.
    When she’d put Jack’s proposal to the elderly lawyer, she added, “I think it’s a good idea. Local interest in national affairs. And Robert agrees with me.”
    Anything that would cost the estate money, however little, came under the elderly gentleman’s purview. “I’d have to know exactly what it will cost and what we’d benefit from the investment.“
    “Jack can explain the cost,“ Lily said. “As for the benefits, it’s national news with a strong local interest. He told me at least five veterans from Voorburg are at the encampment, and at least two of them have their whole families along. I think it would increase circulation if he interviewed people known to Voorburg instead of simply writing about something that’s going on a long way from us.“
    “I take your point,“ Mr. Prinney said reluctantly. “Get a budget from Jack Summer. But have Robert run you down the hill. I’m waiting for an important call.”
    Lily hunted down Robert, who was, not surprisingly, polishing up the Duesie. “Mr. Prinney agreed,“ she said, “subject to setting a financial limit to Jack’s trip. But the phone is tied up. I think one of the Prinneys’ daughters is having a baby any day now. Or maybe he’s waiting to learn
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