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Slim Calm Sexy Yoga: 210 Proven Yoga Moves for Mind/Body Bliss

Slim Calm Sexy Yoga: 210 Proven Yoga Moves for Mind/Body Bliss

Titel: Slim Calm Sexy Yoga: 210 Proven Yoga Moves for Mind/Body Bliss
Autoren: Tara Stiles
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isn’t full. A stuffed belly can make all that twisting and deep breathing uncomfortable and limit your potential. If you are starving and it’s close to class time, grab something small and easy to digest, like a piece of fruit that will hold you over.
      DRINK WATER. You should be drinking water whether you’re headed to yoga class or not, and it’s a good idea to hydrate before and after your class to keep your system running smoothly. For most styles of yoga, drinking about 8 ounces before class and about 8 ounces after should keep you hydrated. Some studios suggest that you don’t drink water during the class so you can focus all your attention on the practice. If you’re well hydrated before the class, you should be fine waiting to drink water until after. The one exception: Bikram yoga. Because these classes take place in rooms where the thermostats are set at a minimum of 105°F, you’ll sweat a lot more than in a regular class. If you’re into Bikram, the Yoga Research and Education Center suggests drinking at least the minimum recommended daily 64 ounces of water, plus 16 ounces before and at least 20 ounces during class.
      SHOW UP A LITTLE EARLY. Ten to 15 minutes leaves plenty of time to sign in and get a good spot.
      SAY HI TO THE TEACHER. Let him or her know it’s your first class at the studio or first time practicing yoga, and whether you have any specific limitations or injuries.
      TAKE IT EASY. Don’t push or fling yourself into the poses. Try to keep your breathing long and deep. If your breathing becomes short and fast, ease up to where you can bring it back to long and deep. Long, deep breathing helps you move calmly and attentively through challenging and unchal-lenging poses alike, and will give you the most benefits from the poses. Deep breathing helps your body open up and your mind rest. It takes practice. It may take a lot of time to be able to master the poses you want, but remember that once you do, there will always be something else to master. Start from where you are. Where you are is perfect.
What’s Your Yoga Personality?

    Check out this chart to match your personality and preferences with the right yoga style for you. You can always challenge yourself more or take a rest during class to adjust to what you can handle physically. Remember that spirituality is what you make of it. Certain styles deliberately lead you to it; others let you find your own way to whatever you want. Some styles of yoga begin with a chant or an opening collective om, some include chanting throughout the class, and some skip it completely.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Gentle yoga poses with focus on meditation rather than athleticism.
    CHANT METER : High: Lots of chanting at the beginning and end of class.
    GOOD WHEN  … You want a gentle physical practice that focuses on meditation.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Poses are taught with a strong alignment focus coupled with playful themes.
    CHANT METER : High: Lengthy opening invocation and closing om.
    GOOD WHEN  … You like a tight-knit yoga community that is known for its playful approach.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Athletic and challenging poses. Fast-paced movement. Often jumping forward and back.
    SWEAT METER : High
    CHANT METER : High: Opening and closing lengthy chant.
    GOOD WHEN  … You want a strong physical and spiritual practice.
    CHARACTERISTICS : 26-posture series. Same every class. Done in a 105°F room.
    SWEAT METER : High
    CHANT METER : Low: No chanting.
    GOOD WHEN  … Sweating buckets is a requirement, and you don’t mind heat.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Poses are taught with a strong focus on alignment. Class works on perfecting one pose at a time.
    SWEAT METER : Medium
    CHANT METER : Medium: Depends on the teacher.
    GOOD WHEN  … You want to focus on alignment and the technical aspects of the poses.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Primarily seated positions coupled with vigorous breathing techniques.
    SWEAT METER : Medium
    CHANT METER : High: Lots of chanting at the beginning and end of class.
    GOOD WHEN  … You’re interested in developing a strong meditative practice.
    CHARACTERISTICS : Athletic poses. Covers a wide range of levels of difficulty, depending on the teacher.
    SWEAT METER : Medium to
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