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Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Titel: Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Autoren: Keyonna Davis
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    She quickly forgot her thundering heart as she watched Cole toss his shirt over his shoulder and move his hands down to the button on his jeans. “What are you doing?”
    “I’m getting naked so I can get in the bath with you. I might as well finish what you started since I’m already soaking wet.”
    Cole didn’t say another word and Lorna seemed to have lost her ability to speak or think with each inch of flesh the man revealed. Who was she to complain if a sexy man wanted to join her in her bath? Lorna wasn’t that crazy. She slid forward to give him room when he climbed in behind her and settled. Cole pulled her between his legs and she happily leaned back against his hard, warm chest. She loved her baths, but she had to admit, she could get used to them being shared with someone.
    “Why did you leave us this morning?”
    Lorna sighed. She had hoped she would have had more time to get her thoughts together before she had to explain, but it seemed her time had run out. Maybe shared baths aren’t that great. “I don’t regret anything we did last night.” That much she was positive of. She knew she said the right thing when she felt Cole relax behind her. “I just needed some time to think. I needed to convince myself that I am nothing like her even though I’m in love with two men at the same time.”
    At that moment, Lorna knew what she said was true. She kept telling herself she was in love with Jacob and was on the way to falling in love with Cole, but in her heart, she knew she was already in love with Cole as well. The man who had come to check on her and make sure she was okay even though she had snuck out of his bed, the man with silent feet, had found a way to sneak into her heart without her knowing. She knew no matter what anyone said, she was not giving up either of her men. If that made her a slut, or whore, or whatever anyone else wanted to call her, she would wear all of those titles proudly because in her heart she knew she was madly in love with her men. “I love you Cole. I’m in love with you and Jacob and I have no plans of going anywhere. You two are stuck with the crazy, loudmouthed woman from across the street.”
    “Thank God.” Cole sighed. “I love you, too, Lorna. When I woke up this morning with my arm wrapped around Jacob instead of you, my heart nearly stopped.”
    Lorna laughed. She could picture the two of them cuddled up in bed. “Are you sure it was because I wasn’t there and not because you were wrapped up with Jacob?”
    “Jacob may be my best friend and I would do anything for the guy, but I would much rather wake up wrapped around you any day.”
    Lorna closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side to give Cole room when he punctuated his statement with tiny kisses along her neck and shoulder. She savored the feeling as her body heated up with each touch of his lips and tongue against her skin. She pressed her back into his muscular chest and draped her legs over his spreading her thighs. Between Cole’s assault on her neck and the hot water lapping against her swollen clit, Lorna couldn’t hold back the gasp that slipped past her lips or the shift of her hips.
    “Is this a private party or can I join?”
    Lorna opened her eyes and stared into Jacob’s emerald eyes as he hovered by the door, leaning against his cane. Before she could answer, Cole did it for her.
    “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom where we can have plenty of room to spread out?”
    Before she could open her mouth to protest that she wasn’t done with her bath, that had been rudely been interrupted, Lorna was passed off to Jacob who lifted her like she weighed nothing. “Put me down before you hurt yourself. I can walk just fine.” She squirmed to get down, but Jacob’s arms only wrapped tighter around her as he limped toward her bedroom.
    “I know you can walk, but I can carry you just as well, and I like having you in my arms so hush and let me do this.”
    Someone telling her to essentially shut up was something that normally made Lorna fly off the deep end. Before she met Jacob and Cole, her mouth would have probably gotten her into a lot of trouble at a statement like that. It probably still would if anyone else besides the two men who had worked their way into her heart had told her to hush. Instead, for the first time in her life, Lorna kept her mouth shut. There was nothing she could say. This impossibly large man was going to do whatever he wanted and
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